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  • Universal language: how teaching music in rural Namibia was a life-changing experience for Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 When the principal of N/a’an ku sê, a rural school in Namibia that serves the San people, asked PLU music education major Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 to expand their existing music program to include children in junior primary (grades K-3), she initially felt daunted at… April 16, 2024 Research & AcademicsResoLute

  • Beyond pedagogy: from Tacoma to Namibia, a partnership reframing teacher development practices In Kwangali and Oshindonga, widely spoken languages in Namibia, “Uukumwe” means “togetherness.” For six teachers in Washington and seven teachers from Namibia, the word personifies the relationship-building that lies at the heart of education. “It was a vision that was bubbling in my mind because… September 28, 2023 Alumni, Internships, Career

  • Gregson, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs11:15 am | Session II - Ingram Lobby & University GalleryFaculty Moderator: Bridget Yaden, Hispanic and Latino Studies/Office of the Provost Student(s)Presentation Elizabeth BankowskiCommunication, Media & Design ArtsRefashioned. Faculty Mentor: Heather Mathews & Taylor Cox, Communication, Media & Design Arts My project is a fashion design portfolio based on recycled materials and inspired by 70s punk and early 2000s fashion. I wanted to

  • in the eco-ministry field, facilitating spiritual and religious action on environmental and climate justice. It doesn’t just rely on religious foundations, however. The center engages secular and faith-based environmental leaders for education, outreach, support, and action. CEE is creating “incredible spaces where people from all walks of life come together for problems and solutions, while cultivating beauty and a sense of community,” he says. “It keeps me coming back to embrace the struggle

  • revenue needs to come from academic programs, continuing education, auxiliary enterprises, fundraising, and cost-saving efficiencies. As we’ve said from the beginning, it won’t be a straight line to reach our goals. *Note: All comments are moderated It is hard to budget if you don’t know how much income you are producing.True enough. Thanks to the hard work of the Finance and Administration Division (with help from many other units), we have a much better handle on revenue and expenses, and we’re on

  • Names Fitness Center & Memorial GymNames Fitness Center is a 5,500-square-foot building that offers cardio equipment, a full complement of strength training equipment and free weights.   The fitness center is open to all current students, staff, and adult dependents free-of-charge.  We do not offer services or access to non-students or staff.  Names Fitness Center is attached to Memorial Gym that accommodates our well-attended Group Exercise, intramural sports, and physical education classes

  • community. Results of the project are placed in the student’s file. If a paper, survey or poster is required, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities may utilize the product for educational programs and/or trainings. This sanction may not be deferred.Fines, Restitution, and FeesFines may be imposed when appropriate. Proceeds from all fines and fees will be contributed to the payment of educational modules and campus health and wellness education.  PLU reserves the right to charge students

  • return to the park (“Swan Creek Salmon Challenge 2022”). The salmon are also of extreme religious and cultural importance to the Native American Tribes that have lived on this watershed for countless generations. This importance is highlighted in the First Salmon Ceremony, where someone is honored with the task of catching the first salmon of the season that is shared by all before the bones are returned to the river (“First-salmon ceremony”). There are many salmon education and rearing programs that

  • connection and possibility around every corner. Vpstart Crow presents SAGITTARIUS PONDEROSA by MJ Kaufman April 13-15 @ 7:30pm; Studio Theatre Director: Hanne Ferguson  A poetic and moving story about identity, family, and the passage of time as Archer returns home to confront his childhood world disintegrating and changing. DANCE 2023 April 29-30 @ 7:30pm; Eastvold Auditorium Concert Adviser: Sarah Seder A dynamic and spectacular night of dance with choreography by faculty, guest artists, and students

  • , guidance, and assistance in preparing for the LSAT, with the law school application process, and in the process of choosing a law school. You can choose any academic major and still participate in PLU’s pre-law advising program. U.S. law schools have no preference for applicants from certain majors, and seek applicants who are literate and numerate, who are critical thinkers and articulate communicators. In essence, they value the kind of liberal arts education that PLU provides! Pre-law minor: In