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  • PLU professor adds ‘board game inventor’ to his résumé.

    of getting accepted to and surviving graduate school. She learned how to collect and analyze data, code survey responses, and edit and submit a manuscript. “It changed the trajectory of my life,” Griswold said. “The fact that I got a research opportunity really was paramount to being a successful grad school applicant.” Johnson, a graduate student at Arizona State University studying applied behavior analysis, also credits her success after PLU to the collaborative research opportunity. In

  • institutional contexts of mathematics affect teaching and learning, and show commitment to their critical roles as advocates for each and every student. Learning Outcomes for BS in Applied Mathematics (BSAM) (Developed with reference to the MAA’s 2015 Curriculum Guide to Majors in the Mathematical Sciences.) Communication: Be able to read, interpret, write about, and talk about mathematics. Computation: Develop computational, algorithmic, and technological problem-solving fluency. Disciplinary Citizenship

  • Michael Burris ’09 leads a dynamic team as regional president of Sound Physicians Posted by: Zach Powers / April 26, 2023 Image: Michael Burris ’09 majored in business at PLU and now serves as regional president of Sound Physicians. (photos by Sy Bean/PLU) April 26, 2023 By Lora ShinnPLU Marketing & Communications Guest Writer Michael Burris ’09 worked at the intersection of business and healthcare since before even graduating from PLU with a business major and economics minor. While in his

  • Lange found more autonomy and the ability to drive change. Read our full Anni Lange ’00 feature. Michael Burris ’09, Regional President Michael Burris ’09 worked at the intersection of business and healthcare since before even graduating from PLU with a business major and economics minor. While in his third year at PLU, he began an internship with MultiCare Health Systems, working as the CFO’s “right-hand man.” He was offered a job before graduation. Now, as regional president, Burris delivers Sound

  • Emily Peterson ’14 : Global policy, politics and partnerships Posted by: Zach Powers / September 8, 2023 Image: Emily Peterson ’14 majored in global studies and economics at PLU. She is now a senior program manager at Edelman Global Advisory. (Photo by Sy Bean/PLU) September 8, 2023 By Lora ShinnResoLute Guest WriterLike many students, Emily Peterson ’14 began her time at PLU unsure of what, exactly, she wanted to do. “I wanted to work for the United Nations,” she says. “Although at the time, I

  • Brian Sung ’24 talks business, econ majors, Oxford adventure, and his unique PLU journey as a first-gen Chinese immigrant Meet Brian Sung, a business major from the class of ’24 at PLU. When he’s not taking international honors courses or diving deep into his double majors in business and economics , he’s all about data science and statistics through his double minors. Outside of… March 21, 2024 AcademicsBusinessInvolvementSeekerStudent VoiceStudy AbroadTrailblazer

  • Lutes are dedicated to global education, and student athletes are no different. This fall, two Lutes who studied in Norway managed to balance their studies and training abroad, while PLU welcomed

    interests. Growing up, her mother — who is half Norwegian and half Swedish — shared a lot of Norwegian traditions with her. She wanted to study in Norway to reconnect with those roots, and her biology-environmental studies double major lined up well with the curriculum. “It just worked out so well with everything,” she said of the program. The cherry on top was the small town with lots of outdoor recreation opportunities. “You can walk around in a half hour,” she said of Bø, a village of nearly 6,000

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 4, 2016)- Kamari Sharpley-Ragin reluctantly admits that he used to joke about racism. The ninth-grader from Lincoln High School in Tacoma says it didn’t seem like a big deal, since he never really experienced overt discrimination himself. Now, he says he knows…

    the United States 1896-2016” paired PLU students and teaching assistants with a self-selected group of students from Lincoln grades 9-12. The workshop-like course challenged them all to critically think about daily experiences with institutionalized racism and how to effectively confront those experiences. The class touched on civil rights history, as well as racially charged issues today. The students’ work culminated in an end-of-term “creative extravaganza,” in which groups presented visual

  • Master of Science in Nursing Care and Outcomes Manager (COM) program is designed to equip nurses with the knowledge and skills to lead change, promote health and elevate care in various roles and

    nurses with a BSN The core MSN curriculum prepares nurse with knowledge and skills required of all master’s‐prepared nurses as determined by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (2021).  The MSN student will also choose an area of specialization. Two areas of role specialization are available: Clinical Nurse Educator Clinical Nurse Leader® PLU MSN graduates are nursing leaders and educators throughout the Puget Sound area

    Graduate Programs
    Graduate Programs Pacific Lutheran University 12180 Park Avenue South Tacoma, WA 98447-0003
  • Human Error Human error is defined as inadvertent action; inadvertently doing other than what should have been done; slip, lapse, mistake. Near-miss Near-miss is defined as an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. These events can represent an opportunity for students and faculty to identify and correct errors that have the potential to jeopardize patient safety. At-risk Behavior At-risk behavior is defined as a behavioral choice