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  • Meet Professor Junichi Tsuneoka The Innovation Studies program is excited to welcome Professor Junichi Tsuneoka as incoming director of the Innovation Studies minor. Professor Tsuneoka teaches design theory and practice in the Department of Communication, Media, and Design Arts at PLU. His professional work includes design projects for Nike,… August 15, 2024

  • Federal Student AidUnsubsidized Stafford Loans (Direct Loans)Unsubsidized Stafford Loans (Direct Loans)Although payments are deferred while you are enrolled at least half-time, unsubsidized loans accumulate interest while you are in school. If you can, it is recommended that you try to pay the interest on these loans while you are in school.Loan amount: LOAN of $20,500 per year Deadline: Applicants are considered for this loan when their FAFSA application is being processed. The loan is

  • Borrowing and FinesYour Lutecard is your library card. When you first check out a book, our circulation staff will add a barcode to the back of your Lutecard. Visiting borrowing page for more information about borrowing periods, fines, and number of items that you can check out.Copyright and Fair useFaculty are responsible for securing necessary copyright clearances with regard to curricular materials (course reserves, classroom readings, etc). Below, you will find some resources to help guide

  • Summer Internships: Economics Posted by: vcraker / September 7, 2022 September 7, 2022 Travis McDaneld ’23 is entering his fourth year at PLU as an economics major, minoring in data science. When he enrolled at PLU, he had every intention of majoring in business, although he admits to not having any idea about what he wanted to do after graduation. But when he took a microeconomics class, he says it all clicked, and he knew what he wanted to study. Through The Alumni & Student Connections

  • Rights and Responsibilities The student and their parent(s) or legal guardian (if the student is under 18 years of age) are required to complete and submit a Student Financial Agreement to the University each academic year, prior to registration for the first term the student will be enrolled for that academic year.  It is the student’s responsibility to see that all financial aid accepted on the Offer of Financial Aid is credited to their student account. Financial aid includes but is not

  • The Edison Awards: Innovations That Shape the World Posted by: halvormj / February 23, 2018 February 23, 2018 By Damian Alessandro ’19 It’s awards season! Not the Academy Awards–although we do host awards parties at Pacific Lutheran University. I’m writing about the annual awards for innovation that have everyone whispering excitedly in the discipline of Innovation Studies. That’s right–its the Edison Awards, which honor excellence in the development, marketing, and launch of new products and

  • Financial Aid & ScholarshipsThe Marriage and Family Therapy program offers various scholarships and financial aid awards for students. Please select from which type you’d like to view. You may also look into federal, military aid, or external scholarships to support your graduate studies.The Charles D. York and Cheryl L. Storm Graduate ScholarshipsEach year Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) awards a limited number of scholarships (between $2000 to $8000) to new students in the MFT program

  • December 1, 2008 Science Happens (and Much More) When Monika Maier ’09 was preparing for a month of fieldwork in the remote South Hills region of Idaho a year ago, she made sure to study-up on more than just crossbills, the birds they would be researching. She also prepared for the emergency delivery of a human baby. At the time, the assistant professor of biology who was leading the study, Julie Smith, was seven months pregnant. And Maier, on her own volition, was determined to be ready – just

  • PLU Dedicates New Baseball Press Box to Jim Kittilsby ’60 on May 3 Posted by: Sandy Dunham / April 28, 2015 Image: PLU will dedicate its new baseball-field press box to Jim Kittilsby ’60 on May 3. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) April 28, 2015 By Sandy Deneau DunhamPLU Marketing & Communications TACOMA, Wash. (April 7, 2015)—Jim Kittilsby ’60 is the first to admit he probably wasn’t the premier baseball player of his era—or the winningest baseball coach once he returned to his alma mater in 1970

  • sitting in his first few classes.“Professors were encouraging students to expand our worldviews, take all sorts of different prospectives into account, and challenge what we previously held to be true,” he says. “I was into it from the start.” Wright has successfully embarked on a career at the nexus of the two driving interests with which he arrived at PLU. After graduating magnum cum laude six years ago, he’s worked for an education foundation and an environmental advocacy organization, and now