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  • Holocaust Studies (former U.S. Holocaust Research Institute) since 1993. Heberer Rice completed her undergraduate degree in Historical Studies and German Language and Literature at Southern Illinois University as the graduating class’ valedictorian. She conducted her doctoral studies at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Maryland (UMD)-College Park, where Heberer Rice earned a PhD based on her dissertation on the Hadamar killing facility and its role in the Euthanasia program. She is

  • District With museums such as the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience, and international markets like Uwajimaya, the International District (formerly known as China Town) adds to the flavor of Seattle. You will find a multitude of restaurants and little shops where you can buy everything from foreign language books to exotic teas. Seattle Great Wheel The Seattle Great Wheel is a ferris wheel by the waterfront which provides a nice view over the city. It is open year round and has

  • workshop composed of writers in their primary genre; in the second half, the participant takes part in mixed-genre workshops.“This residency — compressed time — has provided me with time, with time out of time, that has allowed me to immerse myself in language, in my contemporaries, in the writing world.”  In addition to the workshops, participants are required to take 16 credits of classes  during the residency.  A superb variety of classes is offered each day, exploring thematic and technical issues

  • Auditorium of the Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets are available online at Eventbrite. $10 – General admission; $5 – 60+, military, alumni and students; free – 18 and younger. Love’s Labour’s Lost is intended for mature audiences due to mild adult content and strong language. Read Previous Remembering Eric Nordholm Read Next Dance celebrates Storytelling in their upcoming performance LATEST POSTS Theatre Professor Amanda Sweger Finds Family in the Theatre February 28, 2023

  • women had to write an essay on the importance of cultural diversity in their lives, and each practiced for a month to sing the traditional Sankta Lucia song in Swedish. Kane will receive a $500 scholarship for being chosen as the Lucia. The Sankta Lucia festival was introduced by PLU in 1951 by Rev. E Arthur Larson. To start the tradition here, Larson send a white-robed student to wake up members of his Swedish language class one December morning. The Lucia legend began when Lucia was born to a

  • scholarship of students of international affairs through the promotion of a deeper understanding of world affairs. “The society supports the consensus that international studies require an interdisciplinary perspective that includes technical and analytical skills, as well as facility in a foreign language,” said Ami V. Shah, a global studies professor and faculty advisor to the PLU Sigma Iota Rho chapter. “Our curriculum was vetted by the national office and deemed to fulfill these goals.” PLU students

  • religious dimension, ignorance is not bliss. Think about it: all these issues are charged with religious language – abortion, creationism vs. evolution, fundamentalism, LGBTQ rights, environmental defense and degradation, health care, Holocaust studies, human rights, international terrorism, the Iraq conflict, land use in the Northwest, presidential politics, the quest for peace, poverty, and stem-cell research. The value of your college education actually increases when you have a better understanding

  • — understanding, sharing, interpreting, and critically reflecting on the experience of being human— is vital to the future of our university, our nation, and our species. The Humanities are central to the biggest challenges facing us individuals —we can only discern our vocation with a rich understanding of the cultures from which we come— as a nation —we can only cooperate towards a better future if we find common language for our ideals— and as a species —we can only seek peace between nations if we learn

  • Philosophy Group”. Our Languages and Literatures department has expanded its offerings and its commitment to our region with the expansion of curriculum to include Southern Lushootseed, the indigenous language of local indigenous peoples. Finally, three of our faculty conducted a diverse range of great work while on sabbatical last year, each advancing scholarship, teaching, and personal vocation in exciting new directions.Prism is produced by Humanities students: the interviews and stories here were

  • appropriated funds. The United States Department of State reserves the right to alter, without notice, participating countries, numbers of awards, terms of agreement, and allowances. Award Types 1.  Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Available in 150 or more countries, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for graduates to work overseas as English language teaching assistants. This program facilitates direct cultural interaction and mutual understanding on an individual basis for