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subsidizing team travel and equipment costs. PLU Fund With the help of the Lute community, PLU awarded approximately $53 million in financial aid this past fall. Your gifts provide access to a world-class education! CrowdFunding With your support, PLU educates students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care – for other people, for their communities, and for the earth. back to top
Studies Conference provides an opportunity for the university, the larger community, and persons from diverse religious and humanistic viewpoints to explore particular and pressing issues within the thoughtful and generous milieu of Lutheran higher education. Each conference welcomes scholars, artists, and religious leaders whose expertise is offered in an engaging and thought-provoking manner. Past conferences have been devoted to the limited gift of water (2011), political commitments (2012), the
, please contact OAA or submit a Student Care Network form. Message from Dr. Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen: COVID-19 accelerated trends that were already underway in higher education, the most positive of which has been the incorporation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into university education. For clarity, UDL is not about providing an unending list of options or accommodations for students; rather, it is the conscious adaptation of multiple methods of teaching and learning, for the benefit of all
emails and meetings, but didn’t realize just how busy that work was. Brewer laments the lack of face-time she gets to spend with visitors and other her community members in her new role. However, she rejoices in the education she’s gained through the experience. “I think it’s also been immensely educational as far as my own self-esteem and ability to know who I am and what I’m capable of,” she said. Brewer will step down from the position once a permanent director is hired. While the job has proved
Course Title ANTH 102 Introduction to Human Cultural Diversity - ES, GE ANTH 103 Introduction to Arc
Course Title CHIN 201 Intermediate Chinese - VW, GE CHIN 202 Intermediate Chinese - VW, GE FREN 201
institutions, such as the economy, education, and criminal justice. Prerequisite: SOCI 101 or consent of instructor. (4) SOCI 336 : Deviance A general introduction to a variety of nonconforming, usually secretive, and illegal behavior, such as corporate crime, drug dealing, prostitution, industrial spying, child abuse, and suicide, with emphasis on the conflict of values and life-experiences within a society. Prerequisite: SOCI 101, SOCI 201, or consent of instructor. (4) SOCI 378 : Consumption An
Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA). Both of these applications determine parental and student ability to contribute toward the student’s education. Spouses of married students are also expected to contribute toward their spouse’s educational expenses. If students or their families have unusual circumstances that cannot be reflected on the FAFSA (such as loss of employment or major medical expenses), Student Financial Services should be contacted. The
Carmiña Palerm’s upper-division Introduction to Hispanic Literary Studies course this Spring, demonstrated a keen understanding of his work as well as his prominent position in Mexican letters and politics. They engaged the author on a host of topics, from social issues to his particular writing process. First-year Hispanic Studies and French double major Elmer Coria-Islas asked for Villoro’s opinions on the state of Mexico’s education system and the potential impact of the forthcoming Mexico City
Awards & RecognitionsIn 2024, the Department of Social Work introduced three new awards to recognize graduating seniors.Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Achievement in Social Work This award is open to a student who consistently demonstrates a commitment to exceptional critical thinking, active curiosity about learning, frequent self-reflection, and dedication to academic excellence. This student’s quality of work reflects the pursuit of education grounded in a desire to excel as
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