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  • Student writes of her student-faculty research experience By Kaitlyn Hall ’17 Kaitlyn Hall is a senior Communication and Spanish major. We study the past and the present to inform the future. Student-faculty research offers one of the university’s most valuable opportunities for collaboration and innovation, bringing together academics of diverse experience and interests. Communication professor Justin Eckstein and I first met in a class centered on researching restaurant success. It started

  • Understanding College Costs: The Real Price You’ll Pay Posted by: mhines / August 21, 2024 August 21, 2024 A recent survey revealed an interesting stat: “76% of juniors consider the total cost when deciding where to apply. Colleges with a sticker price over $40,000 per year are eliminated early by about half of students.” At PLU, the sticker price is over $40,000, but here’s the tea: 100% of incoming students don’t pay that amount! On average, students at PLU pay around $24,825

  • Archival Resource: The General Education Council is responsible for finding ways through which to assess and describe how PLU students understand and apply (think about and embrace) the Integrative Learning Objectives as they are represented throughout the curriculum, particularly in the General Education experience. In Spring 2018, the faculty voted to create and implement a faculty standing committee charged with the oversight of the Core Curriculum (General Education). Taking the place of

  • to your HPRB Proposal (Amendments)If at any time you wish to make any change to the research proposal—including participants, procedures, instruments, and/or investigators—originally approved by the HPRB, you must submit an Amendment request within Mentor. You may not initiate any of these changes until the request has been reviewed and approved by the HPRB.Requesting renewal of your approval (Continuing Review)Proposals approved under expedited and full board review must be renewed annually for

  • a number of suggested small changes, activities, and research paper alternatives that we hope can help you incorporate IL habits of mind into your courses. To begin the process of planning for a library instruction session, please write to Roberto Arteaga ( and provide the following details: Course information What would you like your students to get out of the session? Describe anything that you want your students to be able to do, practice, and/or understand as a result of

  • FAQsWhat is the average length of time to find employment post-graduation?We survey our graduates each December/January, and the following is based on the total number of responses received.  The last two columns show how many months graduates were typically looking for work, and the average length of time to find employment post-graduation. Graduating Year # Responses / # Graduates Average # Months Looking Average # Months Post Grad to Find Employment 2016 9/19 .4 -.1 2015 18/23 1.58 .25 2014

  • Student production disrupts time in new Romeo and Juliet Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / December 8, 2016 December 8, 2016 “This is not your grandmother’s Romeo and Juliet ”  December 7, 8, 9, 10 at 7:30pm and December 11 – 2pm Studio Theater, Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Director's NoteRomeo and Juliet. Four hundred and nineteen years ago, William Shakespeare penned what would go on to be one of the most produced love stories ever written. So then why pick this show? There

  • What is DataFest? DataFest is a competition sponsored by the American Statistical Association (ASA) where teams of up to four students participate in a weekend-long data analysis session. Teams are given large and complex sets of data from real-world organizations and businesses, and the teams’ results may have an impact on research, policies, or decisions in those institutions. Over the course of two days, teams work around the clock to create a thoughtful analysis to present to the judges and

  • January 11, 2008 UC, Morken powered by wind turbines As of Jan. 1, nearly 20 percent of the university’s energy is being purchased from renewable sources. The commitment to purchase “green” energy stems from the culture of the university, said Dave Kohler, director of facilities. Renewable energy is energy generated from natural sources that cannot be depleted, like wind and solar power. He points to the university’s mission to “care for the earth,” President Anderson’s signing of the

  • May 16, 2008 Students participate in economics conference Looking at the cluster of PLU students making last-minute preparations before a mock meeting of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Mark Gould ’91 said it was at a conference much like this where he got his start 17 years ago at the Federal Reserve Bank.“I think they noted they were looking for people,” Gould said during a break at the Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference in May. “I literally graduated on a Sunday and