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  • sobre los desafíos de enseñar un segundo idioma en nuestras escuelas en los Estados Unidos /The Huge Task of Decolonizing the Classroom for Current Teachers: An Investigation of the Challenges of Teaching a Second Language in Our Schools in the United States4:15-4:45 - Henri Coronado-Volta``Latines y la fuerza laboral de gig: se necesitan más protocolos de seguridad y beneficios en el lugar de trabajo para proteger a estos trabajadores esenciales / Latinxs and the Gig Workforce: More Safety

  • Ed.  Additionally, IHON will waive the following: one 200-level course for a semester study-away or for taking a language at the 300 level up to two 200-level courses for AP/IB/Running Start credit. Interdisciplinary, International Focus For many students, even those with considerable transfer credits, IHON’s focus makes it worthwhile.  The emphasize integrating knowledge across disciplines and cultures in order to better understand issues that you care about in your life today.

  • transferable research practices and develop new habits of mind/ways of thinking. Suggested Small Changes Use phrases like “exploring resources” instead of “finding sources” in order to shift the focus toward building understanding. This shift in language will also help to emphasize that research is iterative and not something that happens just before writing an essay. Avoid the reification of sources, which leads students to think of sources as containing a single piece of information to insert into their

  • been performed across the U.S. and in Germany and France. Her chamber and symphonic music has been performed by the Almeda Trio, the Amici Quartet, the Delgani Quartet, Concert Black, the Fairbanks Arts Festival Symphony, the University of Minnesota Symphony, and the Hiram String Symphony. She received a Foreign Language Area Studies grant to study advanced Norwegian in Oslo; an American Scandinavian Foundation creative artist grant; and a Swedish intercultural exchange grant as a resident composer

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  • where you can almost imagine some kooky choreography, and then moments of Mendelssohn-esque grandeur,” Brown notes. “Debussy’s music is ethereal and beautiful. This is a lyrical Debussy, as opposed to the later modernist that was influenced by Eastern musical modes and non-traditional harmonies.” Other differences include language: Sullivan’s composition is in English, and Debussy’s is in French. Sullivan focuses on the father’s perspective, and Debussy focuses on the mother’s. “They are vastly

  • songs have been performed across the U.S. and in Germany and France. Her chamber and symphonic music has been performed by the Almeda Trio, the Amici Quartet, the Delgani Quartet, Concert Black, the Fairbanks Arts Festival Symphony, the University of Minnesota Symphony, and the Hiram String Symphony. She received a Foreign Language Area Studies grant to study advanced Norwegian in Oslo; an American Scandinavian Foundation creative artist grant; and a Swedish intercultural exchange grant as a

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  • would carry over to the tour bus – Peterson once had to exit the bus to sign more autographs and to pose with his new fans. “It was very unexpected,” he said. “We definitely don’t get that in the states. It made the whole jazz band feel like rocks stars.” Even with obvious language barriers, music was one clear connection. While touring the PLU students had a chance to perform with Chinese musicians. “We couldn’t speak to each other, but we could play music together,” Peterson said. It’s that value

  • , specifically Tunisia and Egypt, a year after the Arab Spring.  Wright will also talk about her friendship with Stevens, who she first met in Jerusalem 25 years ago when he was part of the U.S. envoy there. She describes Stevens as a courageous diplomat who knew the language, knew the culture and would venture out into the streets to know the people. Wright told an NPR reporter the day after Stevens’ death that he had an “extraordinary enthusiasm” for his work and for the countries he worked in. Award

  • . Rhinelander*4:55 - Brandon Y. Ishise*4:15 - Kathryn Andrade*``The Effectiveness of the English Language Arts Common Core Curriculum Regarding Middle School Students' Cognitive Development``4:25 - Duvan Vaca-Trujillo*``Latinx Students' Success Barriers in United States Universities``4:35 - Christina Cervantez, Carole Ramos, and Jade Vanags**``How Do People Perceive Expressions of Anger and Sadness in Men Versus Women?``4:45 - Josef M. Triman and Chase H.Y. Rhinelander*``How Team Culture in Sports Impacts

  • teaching English with an emphasis on Leadership and Life Skills in addition to augmenting her own Spanish language skills and intercultural competency.  Follow her adventures, learning, and struggles on her blog! Updated June 2019 The Journey Continues Danae McGaha, ’16, an alum of study away programs in London and Copenhagen, is continuing her global education in her post-graduation life by teaching English in Budapest, Hungary! To follow along on her journey and find out more information about making