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  • The Washington Monthly Also Names PLU a ‘Best Bang for the Buck’ Institution TACOMA, Wash. (Aug. 24, 2015)—Pacific Lutheran University ranks number 25 in the Best Master’s Universities category of the national 2015 Washington Monthly College Rankings released Aug. 24. That’s PLU’s best ranking in…

    for the money based on “net” (not sticker) price, how well PLU graduates the students it admits and whether those students go on to earn at least enough to pay off their loans. Founded in 1969, Washington Monthly is a bimonthly nonprofit magazine covering politics, government, culture and the media. Read Previous Teacher/Coach/Award-Winning Alumnus Inducted into National High School Hall of Fame Read Next Open to Interpretation: Advocacy (Episode 1) COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 14, 2016)- Laurel Minter, a Los Angeles-based, award-winning screenwriter and film director, will offer a beginners’ screenwriting workshop at PLU later this month. The workshop will educate students on how to craft screenplays using tools that most professional screenwriters use. The focus…

    . “It will be really helpful because there are not really a lot of resources on campus to help people with screenwriting,” said Emily Khilfeh, Showrunners’ head writer and director of photography. “I am really excited to learn about it. It is really different than other kinds of writing.” Showrunners at PLU, now in its fourth year, is a recent addition to the Center for Media Studies, located within the School of Arts and Communication. Showrunners, a student-run program focusing on quality TV

  • Robert Wells, director of the Center for Media Studies, another organization recognized for documentary filmmaking. Two former students within the center — Cara Gillespie ’17 and Elise Anderson ’17 — were nominated in the long-form, non-fiction category for their production titled “More Than a Mission: Stemming the Sex Trade in Angeles City,” which investigates the plight of young women trapped in the world of human trafficking in the Philippines. PLU’s popular late-night entertainment show, “Late

  • A prestigious all-girls high school band from Japan, Tamana Girls High School, will once again visit Pierce County this June in a friendship concert with Graham-Kapowsin High School (GKHS). Their message: friendship through music. This year, the Friendship Concert performed by Tamana Girls High School…

    write and perform genre-bending composition April 18, 2024 PLU Music Announces Inaugural Paul Fritts Endowed Chair in Organ Studies and Performance January 29, 2024 PLU’s Weathermon Jazz Festival to Feature Acclaimed Musician Aubrey Logan February 28, 2023 Horn & Fixed Media Premiere at Octave 9 in Seattle October 5, 2022

  • TACOMA, WASH. (July 18, 2016)- Pacific Lutheran University’s School of Nursing earned $350,000 to further its long history of placing Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) students in rural and underserved communities to administer primary care to those in need. The money comes in the form of…

    Nurse Practitioner (FNP) students in rural and underserved communities to administer primary care to those in need.The money comes in the form of an Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship (AENT) grant for the 2016-17 academic year, awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). It will cover tuition and living stipends for students in the FNP program. Those students already have clinical experiences in a variety of clinics in the

  • My best friend and I met in our residence hall at Pacific Lutheran University. The band he and I started performed for the first time in its lobby. I can remember with equal fondness all-nighters spent cramming for finals and all-nighters playing video games. Earlier…

    for a feat of architecture on a campus of PLU’s cachet, even at the time of its ribbon cutting. But, like a quality pair of hiking boots—sturdy, safe and accommodating— Foss was always fit for its charge. “It was far from a perfect building, but its imperfections were part of its charm,” reflected former ASPLU President and Foss resident Willie Painter ‘06 on social media after learning of the university’s decision. “While I can understand the decision to demolish the building, the hardest part is

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…

    What Game of Thrones Teaches Us About Innovation Posted by: halvormj / May 26, 2019 Image: A scene from Season 8 of Game of Thrones. Photo: HBO. May 26, 2019 By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler warning for the

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 24, 2016)- The eighth episode of “Open to Interpretation” features a discussion of the word “civility” among host and Communication and Theatre Department Chair Amy Young, Assistant Professor of Politics and Government Kaitlyn Sill and Marriage and Family Therapy Department Chair David Ward.…

    ” is a podcast devoted to exploring the meanings and implications of words commonly used in the news, on social media and on college campuses. Previous OTI topics include “Climate,” “Gender,” “Violence” and “Advocacy.” Episodes of OTI are released once per month. If you have feedback, comments or ideas for episodes, please email producer Zach Powers at Conversation Highlights 1:30: Kaitlyn’s summer binging of the Pokémon television show. 6:30: Defining “civility” – unwritten rules

  • TACOMA, WASH. (August 10, 2015)- Each summer PLU students fan out across the globe — working, researching, studying or just plain relaxing. Many students leverage the summer months as an opportunity to add depth to their resumes by completing internships at local and corporate businesses,…

    , I love writing, and I love experimenting with media. Those moments where I’ve gotten to do something no other local news organization had done yet, when I solved the puzzle of the missing restaurant owner or when my friends tell me they read the book I recommended – those reminded me that what I’m doing is really fun, and can be rewarding. Sure, I didn’t bring down any governors or expose any corruption (yet!), but these simple things show and remind me that what I’m learning to do can have a

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Nov. 8, 2016)- Gabri Joy Kirkendall ’09 studied political science and French languages and literature at Pacific Lutheran University. Now, she’s a published author and artist. Below is an edited discussion about her vocational journey and her experience creating hand-lettering books. Question: How…

    outlets and publications.  I am very excited to see where this new book will lead. Q: What is the best advice you can give an undergraduate student pursuing a career in the arts? A: Make yourself and your work visible online from day one. Use social media to put your work out there. You never know who might see it. If I hadn’t put my work on Facebook and Etsy, I never would have been given the opportunity to write my books. (My success is a direct product) of my online visibility. I have received