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  • TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 26, 2016)- MediaLab, the applied research and media production program at Pacific Lutheran University, has received two recognitions for its most recent documentary film. These Four Years, which premiered in Seattle in November 2015, has earned an Award of Merit from The…

    MediaLab at PLU: MediaLab is an award–winning, applied research and media production organization housed within the Center for Media Studies at Pacific Lutheran University’s School of Arts and Communication. MediaLab students work on projects across the media spectrum, including market research, photography, graphic design, web design, writing, video, public relations, event planning, filmmaking and more. Read Previous PLU awarded total of nearly $590,000 in state grant money for intensive, alternative

  • TACOMA, WASH. (July 27, 2016)- Amidst crowds of politicians, scientists and international leaders, two Lutes will travel abroad and walk the halls of the annual Conference of Parties for the United Nations in November. They will represent a quarter of a small contingent of college…

    ,” Yakelis said. For now, Henderson and Smith will continue with their summer plans. Smith works at PLU doing summer research and Henderson is applying for jobs in the Puget Sound. Follow along with Smith and Henderson on their adventure at Read Previous PLU named the leading distributor of creative arts scholarships among West Coast colleges Read Next 93-year-old Lute, former softball player to throw first pitch at PLU Night at the Rainiers COMMENTS*Note: All comments are

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 27, 2016)- The scene: a cramped room somewhere in a Pacific Lutheran University residence hall at the beginning of the millennium. The characters: five nerdy dudes, each with a handful of dice and plenty of junk food. This is “The Gamers,” a…

    nerve,” Dobyns said. That popularity is responsible for the fully fan-funded TV series in the works today. The pilot, Jacobs said, should be finished by early 2017. While Early and Dobyns run their entertainment companies, many of the other cast and crew members squeeze the creative work in between family time, day jobs and other commitments. “They all still make it work,” Jacobs said. At its core, the movie doesn’t have an exclusive audience — similar to the gaming culture it emulates, Dobyns said

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…

    political strife of the decade; what better show to capture the zeitgeist?This wasn’t a clear solution to HBO’s problems at first, but the show would grow into a winner as the first season moved along. Thrones popularity was due, in part, to the creative ways that its characters were able to solve their long list of problems. This is perhaps best summed up in the challenges facing the character of Petyr Baelish. Baelish was a man caught up in a not-so-classic rags-to-riches story, which begins with him

  • Creative Community: Autumn Thompson ’24 reimagines PLU spaces—in the art gallery and the residence halls Posted by: Zach Powers / April 17, 2024 Image: Autumn Thomson ’24 is a double major in studio arts and business. (Photos by Emma Stafki ’24) April 17, 2024 By Emily Holt, MFA '16PLU Marketing & Communications Guest Writer When Autumn Thompson ’24 selects an image or object for a piece for an exhibit or a class, be it sentimental or iconic, it’s not simply an assignment—it’s a step toward her

  • TACOMA, WASH. (May 6, 2016)- Kelly Hall couldn’t decide on a major when she first came to Pacific Lutheran University. “I didn’t know for sure what I wanted to do, and several fields I explored just didn’t fit right,” said Hall, a senior at PLU.…

    something that exists within many words.” Hall worked with a tribal elder to come up with a phrase equivalent to the English word interconnectedness. “When I talked to my tribal elder and asked him if we had a word to explain interconnectedness, the first thing he said was -mixw, a suffix in our language that means life force or anything with life force in it, like the earth,” she said. “A lot of our words in our language have to do with life and the environment, and that is why there is not one word

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Dec. 13, 2016)- Grace Zimmerman ’18 was already thrilled to pursue a study away experience in Namibia. But her excitement compounded after learning she received a competitive scholarship, one of more than 2,800 awarded by the federal government to students such as herself…

    non-traditional subjects,” Taylor said. “If you’re going to London, you’re probably not going to be as competitive as if you’re going to Namibia to study nursing for the semester. That’s why Grace was a particularly strong candidate for the award.” The Gilman Foundation receives more than 10,000 applications per year for the award. The application process includes submitting official transcripts, verifying financial standing, and writing essays regarding a statement of purpose and a so-called

  • TACOMA, WASH. (March. 16, 2016)- Charles Reinmuth ’19 didn’t think twice when he was offered the chance to spend five weeks in the summer getting acclimated to life at Pacific Lutheran University and earning his first six college credits for free. “I couldn’t pass up…

    prepare first-year students to successfully navigate their transition from high school to college. The program provides incoming first-year students the opportunity to earn six credits at no cost while focusing on skills paramount to thriving in college: reading, writing, critical thinking, dialogue and discussion.Thanks to Summer Academy, Reinmuth – a music education major from Vancouver, Washington – said that he felt calm and comfortable by the time he returned to campus more than a month later for

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 26, 2016)- Joel Zylstra said Pacific Lutheran University’s partnership with the nonprofit Habitat for Humanity began with a cup of coffee at 208 Garfield four years ago. Zylstra, director of Center for Community Engagement & Service (CCES), said his perception of Habitat…

    money was raised, about 250 PLU students traveled to the Woods to assist with the build. Students contributed to tasks such as construction, writing messages on the steps of the home and attending the dedication ceremony. This home also held a special significance to PLU, as the matriarch of the family moving in had recently finished her master’s in counseling at PLU. “That was cool (because) there was a connection there,” Stockstad said. “The university was trying to look at their community in

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 20, 2016)- This summer, Taylor Bozich ’17 affirmed what she long assumed to be true about humanitarian work — it isn’t easy. She also reaffirmed that’s exactly the kind of work she wants to do after graduating from Pacific Lutheran University. Bozich…

    profoundly impacted by whatever they did,” she said. Bozich, a global studies and biology double major, completed her public health internship in August. She spent two months over the summer living in D.C., assisting with program development and grant writing, as well as learning about the politics surrounding humanitarian work.She said her experiences underscored her passion for a future in public health. “This internship definitely re-instilled the passion in me to work with women’s health and