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  • that came out of PLU. Angie: Mm-hmm. I remember how you-all came to us as a community of students who believed there was another possible way. You were thinking about how to actually create a path to that way… beautiful, beautiful…Diversity and Inclusion at PLUAs an institution of Lutheran higher education, Pacific Lutheran University understands that difference is intrinsic to all life, creativity, vision and innovation — the cornerstones of higher education. Diversity is vital to the vibrancy and

  • . Mitigation focuses on long-term and sustained solutions to reducing risk. Mitigation activities take place before and after emergencies. Please Visit our Documents page to view PLU’s Hazard Mitigation Plan PLU & Region 5 Hazard Mitigation PlanPLU, in conjunction with 69 cities, towns, special purpose districts (fire, utility, school, port, etc.) and private non-profits in Pierce County, participated in the update of its existing Hazard Mitigation Plan. Once the Updated Plan was adopted by the PLU Board

  • than half-time over a full academic year, and they are paid on a per-course basis. The distinction between these two classifications is one of teaching experience. Lecturers should not normally teach more than ten percent (10%) of a department or school’s credit hours in a given year, except in unusual circumstances and where the affected department or school agrees. They may be reappointed as needed by the institution. Visiting Faculty (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and

  • Kingsley, User Support and Josh Page, School of Business Room: AUC 2019:15-10:15AM | Estate Planning BasicsEstate Planning BasicsAttorneys from Gordon Thomas Honeywell will discuss the importance of Wills, and other estate planning documents that might be even more important. The significance of estate/gift taxes, revocable living trusts and probate will be explained. They will also address documents and plans that will make things easier not only for you, but also for your parents, and your kids

  • customer needs. The business world is replete with calls for design-centered innovation. But, how do you learn design principles, and how do you use them to pursue new opportunities? At Pacific Lutheran University, I sat down to find out with Jp Avila, Associate Professor of Art & Design and a co-founder of PLU’s Innovation Studies program. Avila received his M.F.A. in Visual Communication from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and he has taught Design at PLU since 2004. He is legendary on

  • status individual) Current U.S. address and/or Foreign Permanent Address U.S. Entry and Exit Dates for current and past visits to the U.S. (should be noted on your passport(s)) PLU contact: Name of the Director of Academic Program in Which You Participate: Heather Jacobson Program Director’s Telephone Number: 253-535-7264 Name of the Academic Institution or School that Sponsored your Current Immigration Status: Pacific Lutheran University, 12180 Park Avenue S., Tacoma, WA, 98447 If you are filing a

  • . “During my junior year, I witnessed people in Tacoma relying on buses to get to work, school, the doctor or just visit their families,” says Austin. “It really hit home that public transit access touches and impacts so many other critical issues.” Transit in Tacoma Andrew Austin discusses why public transportation is so important, not only now, but for our future. “Even now, nearly 10 years later and equipped with a few more tools, I feel like I’m the same young guy, figuring out how I can be an

  • perspectives which gaze down on this history from 10,000 feet high, and which focus (either positively, or negatively) on the imperial center. In this course, we’re going to explore the problem from the opposite side — from below and from the ‘outside.’ We will make use of the experiential immediacy of the novel form — the fact that novels can narrate history and society from the standpoint of individual characters’ thoughts and perceptions. And we’ll explore what Britain looked like and looks like from

  • :00PM-4:00PMPool Stay 'n Play in Hinderlie Optional: Makerspace Open Hours12:30PM-2:00PMHinderlie Makerspace (Ground Floor) Yoga Optional: Health & Wellness Opportunity1:00PM-2:00PMMemorial Gym (enter through Names Fitness Center) Pre-register through (search PLU & create an account using your PLU email address) Stay 'n Play in Harstad Optional: House of Harstad1:00PM-2:30PMHarstad First Floor Lobby LUTES @ Play Optional: The PLU Football Team is hosting a high energy mixer filled with

  • far as to see that their guests were able to worship, to observe Sabbath and High Holy Days, and that the Orthodox Jews were able to keep kosher.10 While we might commend the actions of these people, Le Chambon was an isolated village in rural France during WWII when the evil was quite clear, not a part of multicultural community in a global village. How can these lessons apply to our faith community, which includes a kind of diversity that Le Chambon did not experience, and must engage a world