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  • communications for Sound Physicians Read Next Henri Coronado-Volta ’23 discusses his global studies major, studying away, and his plans to attend UW’s Public Health Epidemiology program COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU hosts the 14th Annual Lutheran Studies Conference: Celebrating Cecelia Svinth Carpenter, Indigenous education and tribal sovereignty September 23

  • practices COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU hosts the 14th Annual Lutheran Studies Conference: Celebrating Cecelia Svinth Carpenter, Indigenous education and tribal sovereignty September 23, 2024 PLU Welcomes the Class of 2028: Trailblazers September 11, 2024 Ethos in Action September 11, 2024 Present & Future Providers September 10, 2024

  • whether you provide more than half your dependent’s total support you must compare the amount of support you provide with the amount of support your dependent supplies for himself or herself. Support includes food, shelter, clothing, medical and dental care, education and the like. If you believe you might provide more than half of your dependent’s support, you should use the support worksheet in IRS publication #501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction and Filing Information before you complete your

  • preference.President Obama on PBS News Hour answering a question about Second Amendment rights and gun control. *Note: All comments are moderated Read Previous Is PLU Lutheran enough? A sermon by Pastor John Rosenberg Read Next The Passing of Thomas Pfeifle LATEST POSTS President Krise’s open letter of support for Muslim community January 30, 2017 An Open Letter on Access for All Students January 20, 2017 LISTEN Forum December 6, 2016 What election season reminds us about higher education December 2, 2016

  • . Was there a learning curve? A huge learning curve. I was terrified and excited, especially working with such amazing people. And writing for the human voice ­— I had sung in choirs but opera was a whole new musical world. It was very humbling in a lot of ways. I studied a lot, listened to a lot of singers, wrote a lot, shared with Stephen, wrote again, shared again. The opera was workshopped twice with the singers and that was the biggest education for me because I was getting immediate feedback

  • — now the chair of the school’s Nordic Studies program — to work at PLU in the first place. Storfjell was working as an instructor of Scandinavian studies at the University of Colorado-Boulder when he interviewed at PLU in 2005. During a conversation with Janet Rasmussen, then the director of the Wang Center for Global Education, Storfjell broached the possibility of piloting an NAIS program and minor at the university. “She was really receptive to it,” Storfjell said. “That’s one of the reasons I

  • Justice Economics English French & Francophone Studies Gender, Sexuality and Race Studies Global Studies Hispanic & Latino Studies History Holocaust & Genocide Studies Individualized Majors Languages and Literatures Master of Fine Arts Native American & Indigenous Studies Philosophy Political Science Publishing & Printing Arts Religion Sociology STEM Education Minor College of Natural Sciences Biology Chemistry Computer Science Dual Degree Engineering Earth Science Environmental Studies Geosciences

  • roots are nourished they help anchor them in place, absorb and store nutrients for growth, and connect them to other organisms in their ecosystem.  At PLU we recognize wellbeing is holistic and multidimensional.  When viewed through the framework of DJS we see that our wellbeing is interconnected with each other and our environments.  At the start of the 2024-2025 school year we have the opportunity to ROOT ourselves in community and explore ways to build continuous NOURISHMENT that will allow us to

  • fresh and innovative practice and philosophy to meet the world’s sustainability challenges. Bringing home the principles of life that she espouses in her work, Dayna finds physical and spiritual sustenance as a gardener, green remodeler, hunter-gatherer, Pilates addict, and naturalist. She is on the board of her local science museum, ExplorationWorks! and a staunch advocate for bringing systems thinking into local the school system. Dayna feels fortunate to live with her family in the rugged and

  • Ingram Hall, home to PLU’s School of Arts and Communication, where Noujaim was the subject of a mock-press conference with students from a multimedia journalism course. “The press conference went spectacularly because she (Noujaim) was so open and so engaging,” said Professor of Communication Joanne Lisosky. “The students were completely engaged with her because they share an affinity for telling stories.” The aspiring journalists, publicists and digital storytellers posed questions about funding