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  • July 27, 2011 Anthony Chan Bounleurt – spinning on his head. (Photo by John Froschauer) There’s a faith club for that By Barbara Clements It could be any evening on the ground floor of the University Center: A group of young men and women – about 25 of them – drift into the lounge area, greeting each other. Some chat; others open their laptops – all as if they are waiting for something. Then, someone cranks up the hip-hop, and its steady thrum echoes through the building. They start stretching

  • Nurse & Educator Dependent Commitment For students whose parents are nurses or educators For our 130+ year history, the fields of nursing and education have been fundamental to PLU. Preparing our students to serve their communities as thoughtful, highly-trained, and effective nurses and educators has always been a core part of what we do and aligns with our mission of service, leadership and care. Now, motivated by gratitude and institutional history, we’re making a pledge to the families of

  • July 26, 2013 “The kayak glides low in the water as you and your partner discover a mutual rhythm–right, left, repeat, your arms like firing pistons. The glistening head of a seal periscopes out of the water a hundred yards off your port as you pass farther into the open.” -James Olson Editor’s Note: Here, Outdoor Recreation guide and enthusiast James Olson writes about why joining PLU’s Outdoor Recreation adventures may mean loss of sleep and early mornings, but it is well worth the sacrifice

  • ‘What’s a Lute?’ — Go Lutes Edition Posted by: Lace M. Smith / September 18, 2015 Image: PLU Homecoming football game against Linfield at Sparks Stadium in Puyallup on Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014. (Photo/John Froschauer) September 18, 2015 As I travel around talking to prospective students and their families, donors, and friends of PLU, I am often asked, “what is a Lute?” From time to time, I blog about examples of students and alumni that uplift what it means to be a Lute. We’ve received two

  • and Reactions of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Elizabeth Kaley, Senior Capstone Seminar With the rapid industrialization and heavy reliance on fossil fuels the concentration of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth’s atmosphere has exponentially increased and continues to rise.  CO2, due to its relative stability, is generally unreactive.  In order to transform CO2 in to synthetically useful compounds it must be activated first.  N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) are effective organocatalysts used to activate

  • Graduate Studies at the Institute for Shock Physics Posted by: nicolacs / October 31, 2022 October 31, 2022 Graduate students from a range of disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Geo/Planetary Science) have a unique opportunity to study the response of materials at extreme conditions with the internationally renowned scientists at Washington State University (WSU). Working within their respective academic departments, graduate students conduct their

  • Step 2: Consult with a Faculty SupervisorStudents must have the approval of a Faculty Supervisor in order to submit an HPRB proposal through our online system, Mentor. Your Faculty Supervisor should be willing to consult with you on: appropriate research topics, methods, materials, and procedures norms and best practices for research in your discipline aspects of your project requiring special care and planning (e.g., work with certain populations, collection of sensitive or protected data, use

  • Be a part of the Journey Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / December 9, 2014 December 9, 2014 Why Music Scholarships Matter - in students' own wordsTo many students, PLU is a dream, and financial aid and scholarships make it a reality. Hear students talk about their journey to PLU and how music scholarships have made the difference. To address demand for more campus performances, and to raise much-needed scholarship funds for talented future performers, we present the inaugural Christmas Music

  • A Slice of Paradise Posted by: Kate Williams / March 28, 2018 March 28, 2018 A Slice of ParadiseThe Malick Folk Performing Company from Trinidad and Tobago will perform from 3-5 p.m. Sunday, April 22 in the Karen Hille Phillips Center for Performing Arts.Malick is the premier folk performing company of Trinidad and Tobago. The award-winning group travels internationally to represent its country, contributing to the preservation and promotion of the indigenous culture of the twin-island nation

  • Pacific Lutheran University Nursing Preceptor PortalWelcome Nurse Practitioner PreceptorsPast, Present, and FuturePLU nurse practitioner (NP) students and faculty recognize and appreciate the preceptors who make the clinical experiences of the nurse practitioner students possible and rewarding. The forward-thinking generosity of each preceptor enriches the preceptor, the student, the healthcare system, the community, and especially the health of patients. We value and honor your volunteering to