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  • superintendent certification. (2) EDUC 742 : Human Resources in P12 This course provides learning of concepts, skills, theories, and techniques involving human resource management and a review of examples of HR practices in P-12 school systems. This course extends what building leaders know and understand about HR and looks at it through a district and superintendent role. There will be an examination of human resource planning, development, and utilization in modern organizations. Topics include

  • graphic novel format, Bui explores the universal themes of immigration and migration, family, racism and discrimination, duty, and redemption as they relate to the modern-day Vietnamese Asian-American experience. – from Mortvedt Library has many resources to support your reading of and engagement with The Best We Could Do. In addition to print books, the library has online films and journal articles and links to other content. Here is the virtual exhibit with links to

  • batteries store more energy per mass (specific energy) and per volume (energy density) than Li-ion batteries, but cannot discharge that energy as quickly as modern electronics need because metal anodes oxidize too slowly. We hypothesize that the specific power of metal-air batteries, as a class, would increase if the electrochemically accessible interfacial areas of metal anodes were greatly increased by supporting the redox-active metal component on nanostructured, porous current collectors. In such a

  • . Tahle is very interested in sports and hopes to work with sports design and advertising when she goes back to Europe after graduating this May. ARTIST STATEMENT I like to create art and designs that exude positivity. My designs have vivid and positive colors, smooth transitions and a play between light and shadow. My art is often surreal and reflects simplicity and sleekness because I enjoy looking at something that calms my mind. I need to surround myself with positive energy, and my art reflects

  • writing surface. Let’s recap: a turkey feather transferred words made from candle-smoke ink onto calf skin, all so the pages could be digitally transmitted to dozens of collaborators worldwide. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the juxtaposition of ancient and modern. As the artists worked hard to create the intricate pages of the original Bible, Jackson and company worked simultaneously to design the volumes for each Heritage Edition. Own a piece of the legacyWant to take home the experience

  • layover in Europe and a city full of shuttered businesses. (Video by Rustin Dwyer, PLU) “We got there on a Sunday morning in January and everything was closed,” Allison recalled with a chuckle, side-eying her now husband about his idea to jaunt away from the group to Wiesbaden, Germany. “Everyone else had a good time in Frankfurt,” Sam quipped in response. It took four days for Sam and Allison’s relationship to bloom. Five years later, they’re happily married and fondly recall their studies in

  • perhaps, I will get a degree in international relations…or another subject all together! While working on my capstone (which focuses on modern Korean history) I have only been more drawn to history and more drawn to Korea in particular. In the more distant and vaguer future I think I would like to work on the international level in some way. but as of right now, I am just gong with the flow and seeing where life takes me. Kenny Stancil, Bachelor of Arts in political science and global studies with a

  • people in the station. As to the fact that they were from a small town and her father was a known fireman, the whole town knew them and adored them. She was very close with her younger siblings, helping them find their shoes, told them stories, and played games. She convinced them that there were dinosaurs hidden in the dunes and that if they could swim across the bay they would reach Europe, they would hang on every word. She was raised catholic, she even considered becoming a nun, but as soon as