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  • PLU rowers reminisce about their daring journey in Puget Sound 50 years ago.

    it, around 5 a.m. and completed the 40-mile journey at Tacoma’s Point Defiance roughly 12 hours later. “I wouldn’t want to row out there now,” Holmes said, gesturing toward Alki Point on a warm summer day from the comfort of a private yacht where the former crew members gathered to commemorate the half-century anniversary and retrace their route. “I don’t remember the beautiful sights.” The lack of memories might have something to do with the ice-cold water that threatened hypothermia and the

  • Spring 2023 Capstone presentation schedules from PLU Global Studies graduating seniors.

    Coronado-VoltaLatinos and the Gig Workforce: More Safety Protocols and Workplace Benefits are Needed to Protect these Essential Workers11:30 - Tamber PriceMexico and Narcocorridos: Resistance and Reclamation of the War on Drugs Narrative12:00-1:00 - Break1:00 pm - Logan Grabill-Brown1:30 - André Jones2:00 - Sophia McDonald1:00 pm - Logan Grabill-BrownMarked for Sacrifice: Cancer Alley, Navajo Nation, and the San Joaquin Valley1:30 - André JonesStories of Resilience in Pilsen & Crenshaw2:00 - Sophia

  • SEATTLE, WASH. (April 16, 2015)- Ordinarily, it takes many years for a Theatre Major to earn the opportunity to write, compose or star in a high-profile musical production. However, one Lute is dramatically defying that expectation. Justin Huertas graduated almost six years ago, in 2009,…

    defying that expectation.Justin Huertas graduated almost six years ago, in 2009, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre. Now, he is in Lizard Boy at the Seattle Repertory Theatre — a show he wrote, composed and stars in. “I didn’t actually believe it was true,” Huertas said, regarding his show being in the theatre’s spring season, “until the marketing department [at the Seattle Rep] sent me a press release, and I was like ‘What?!’” Set to a score that could be described as a mix of rock, folk and

  • It’s been 25 years since David Akuien ’10 was separated from his mother at age 5, 16 years since he came to the United States as an orphan.

    two million people died as a result of war, famine and disease caused by the Second Sudanese Civil War — including five of David’s siblings and his father. At one time, four million people were displaced. David, now 29, remains one of them. That will change Dec. 30, at least temporarily, when he travels to South Sudan for a four-week reunion with his mother, sister and other loved ones. The trip follows what David describes as a lifetime of isolation. “Most of what has happened to me is not good

  • After a rare heart condition cut her soccer career short, Shelby Daly ’13 found her calling as an athletic trainer.

    next day, doctors diagnosed her with Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia (ARVD), a rare type of cardiomyopathy that occurs if the muscle tissue in the heart’s right ventricle dies and is replaced with scar tissue, according to the American Heart Association. Doctors implanted a cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) in her chest the same day. ARVD is believed to be a genetically inherited disease, and is one of the most common causes of sudden cardiac arrest among young athletes. Daly said her

  • PLU professor adds ‘board game inventor’ to his résumé.

    him a doctorate degree and, subsequently, a role as visiting assistant professor of sociology at Pacific Lutheran University. His play — which turned out to be a lot of work, too — earned him the title of board game inventor. Ciscell created the cooperative board game “Atlantis Rising,” which was released by Z-Man Games in 2012 after being accepted upon first pitch. “I’ve been into gaming since I was a kid,” Ciscell said. His personal collection of board games amounts to about 200, including

  • Ann Mooney ’03 grew up dreaming about working at National Geographic. Now, she is building a conservation program for the organization in Washington, D.C.

    aims to conserve major migrations of large mammals. “It’s just starting, so right now I’m doing a lot of program development,” she said, “working on timelines, budgets and partnerships with research institutions.” Mooney’s career in conservation began in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, serving as a contractor for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Coral Reef Ecosystem Program. She spent most of her workdays in the same place where she made countless memories as a member

  • PLU Peace Corps program prepares Lutes for service work abroad.

    , including one that precedes the third biennial Chris Stevens Memorial Lecture on March 1. Nelson and three other Peace Corps alumni, who are also Lutes, will speak on a panel at 3:45 p.m. in the Scandinavian Cultural Center before the evening lecture, which features Shamil Idriss, president and CEO of Search for Common Ground. PLU’s new program will help ensure that Lutes interested in service work will meet all the necessary requirements to apply for service with the Peace Corps and other international

  • U.S. Congressman Rick Larsen shares how interactions with constituents has changed him.

    taught him to be a better listener. “I may have brought in a certain set of traits and skills 16 years ago that were somewhat appropriate for the job, but after the last 16 years of hundreds of town hall meetings and phone calls, elections and campaigns, I’ve had to change quite a bit,” Larsen said in his office in Washington, D.C., earlier this year. “There’s still the part of me that is gung-ho about the things I want to do and what I want to work on, but over the last several terms I’ve learned a

  • Lt. Brian Bradshaw was an understated leader who put everyone else first. Ask anyone who knew him.

    stranger in the lobby of a residence hall at Pacific Lutheran University, he insisted the young woman accompany him skiing to cheer her up. Likewise, without a craving for recognition, he took ROTC cadets under his wing, propping them up and helping them excel alongside him until he graduated from PLU in 2007. So, it was unsurprising to those closest to him that Bradshaw died while running to help injured soldiers in his convoy near the border of Pakistan in June 2009, just three months after deploying