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  • Knutson Lecture

    inclusivity for their communities.” Love Without Limits was released in 2nd edition paperback and also on Audiobook with Jacqueline narrating in August, 2022. An active servant-leader in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Dr. Bussie spent the last twenty years teaching religion to undergraduates at ELCA colleges and serving as the founding Director of the Forum on Faith and Life at Concordia College. Every day she is amazed and grateful that gets to: 1) write and tell her story; 2) empower other

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19. In most popular histories of computing, the Apple II personal computer (1977) stands out as a pathbreaker among early devices in the PC Revolution. But how innovative was Apple’s first mass-market computer, and what design features and ideas helped it stand…

    was divided by many ratios to create all frequencies needed. He discovered that more costs could be cut by using software to look up the address of scanlines, instead of storing them in sequential areas of memory. Software was also used for the high-resolution graphics mode which was determined by pixel position, meaning Woz did not need chips to convert bit patterns into colors. Initially, the Apple II used data cassette storage, which was consistent with other microcomputers of the time. However

  • A happy accident landed Sandra Estrada ’20 in her “Global Human Rights” course. It resulted in research on child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, which she presented at an academic symposium at

    the next several years of college-level work.” Students in her class read each other’s work and offer feedback throughout the semester. They also learn about library literacy and research methods from Amy Stewart-Mailhiot, an associate professor and teaching librarian at PLU, as well as attend mandatory meetings with Hames to make sure their projects are on track. “They learn to be critical readers,” Hames said. “It’s a lot for them to do.” Estrada’s work ethic immediately shined through, Hames

  • student with ASD and severe problem behavior." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2019: doi:10.1007/s10803-019-03888-3. Knight, V., Wright, J., Wilson, K., & Hooper, A. "Teaching block-based coding of robots to high school students with autism spectrum disorder and challenging behavior." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2019: doi:10.1007/s10803-019-04033-w. Biography John Wright teaches special education methods courses, as well as courses in assistive technology, autism, and

  • designed to guide students through courses in Education and Natural Sciences and includes service learning. The STEM Education Minor, is well suited for any student interested in exploring the vocation of teaching or who enjoys science outreach and science communication. The coursework emphasizes content knowledge, culturally sustaining and relevant pedagogies, and effective communication. The STEM Education Minor will appeal to students majoring in the Natural Sciences who are interested in teaching

  • college previously attended One letter of recommendation Candidates for the MSMA program complete a minimum of 3 classes of quantitative course work with an average GPA of 3.0 in the quantitative courses. These courses may come from a wide range of quantitative courses, which might include courses from Business, Economics, Math, Psychology, etc. The evaluation of completion of this requirement is determined by the Program Director. Apply Now Request More InformationJoin our mailing list to learn more

  • history at the London School of Economics. His first book, Theologians under Hitler: Gerhard Kittel, Paul Althaus and Emanuel Hirsch (Yale University Press, 1985), appeared also in German, Dutch and Japanese translation. In 2005 it was the basis for a documentary film, also called Theologians under Hitler, produced by Stephen Martin at Other publications include Complicity in the Holocaust: Churches and Universities in Nazi Germany (Cambridge, 2013); five edited books, including one

  • history at the London School of Economics. His first book, Theologians under Hitler: Gerhard Kittel, Paul Althaus and Emanuel Hirsch (Yale University Press, 1985), appeared also in German, Dutch and Japanese translation. In 2005 it was the basis for a documentary film, also called Theologians under Hitler, produced by Stephen Martin at Other publications include Complicity in the Holocaust: Churches and Universities in Nazi Germany (Cambridge, 2013); five edited books, including one

  • history at the London School of Economics. His first book, Theologians under Hitler: Gerhard Kittel, Paul Althaus and Emanuel Hirsch (Yale University Press, 1985), appeared also in German, Dutch and Japanese translation. In 2005 it was the basis for a documentary film, also called Theologians under Hitler, produced by Stephen Martin at Other publications include Complicity in the Holocaust: Churches and Universities in Nazi Germany (Cambridge, 2013); five edited books, including one

  • history at the London School of Economics. His first book, Theologians under Hitler: Gerhard Kittel, Paul Althaus and Emanuel Hirsch (Yale University Press, 1985), appeared also in German, Dutch and Japanese translation. In 2005 it was the basis for a documentary film, also called Theologians under Hitler, produced by Stephen Martin at Other publications include Complicity in the Holocaust: Churches and Universities in Nazi Germany (Cambridge, 2013); five edited books, including one