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  • Global Study On-Campus Photo by John Froschauer In addition to study away, Pacific Lutheran University offers several opportunities for global education through on-campus academic departments and programs.PLU offers an International Honors program, eight foreign languages, an International Business concentration within the School of Business and cross-disciplinary majors in Chinese Studies, Global Studies, Nordic Studies and Environmental Studies. There are programs for the study of global

  • TACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 15, 2015)—As Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off across the country on Sept. 15, this year’s observation at Pacific Lutheran University takes on extra emphasis with two new campus-wide components: • the revival of a student organization representing Latino/a and Hispanic students, and…

    Hispanic Heritage Month at PLU: A New Student Group and Annual Lecture, and More Posted by: Sandy Dunham / September 15, 2015 Image: Amigos Unidos student president Ashley Carrasco ’17 welcomes Spanish-speaking families to PLU during Orientation. (Photo: John Struzenberg ’16) September 15, 2015 By Sandy Deneau DunhamPLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, Wash. (Sept. 15, 2015)—As Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off across the country on Sept. 15, this year’s observation at Pacific Lutheran

  • 8th WANG CENTER SYMPOSIUM Migration: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Human Mobility

    arduous and treacherous treks, to search for water and food, flee from danger, or find more hospitable environments to achieve their goals. More recently, migration patterns have been disrupted and accelerated as all species confront the very real consequences of climate change, which include an increase in global health crises and the destruction of fragile ecosystems and the life that dwells in them. “While movement is not a required element of trafficking, it is the case that those fleeing are

    Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education
    868 Wheeler St. Tacoma, WA 98447
  • Awards and Opportunities for Global Studies Students• Fulbright Scholarships • Nobel Peace Scholars • Joe Smith Peacebuilding Awards • Internship with the State Department • Wang Center Faculty-Student Research Grants

  • March 10, 2014 A National Honor for ‘Digging into Cancer’ ‘Fast Company’ magazine names Hunt one of its 100 Most Creative People of 2014. A Survivor in the Global Spotlight Katie Hunt ’11 fought cancer at PLU, leads the emerging field of paleo-oncology and wowed the crowd at TED2014 By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications After hearing Katie Hunt’s story—of survival, determination, success, worldwide acclaim and infinite promise—you’re likely to experience one of two powerful

  • What’s in our room? With Jess Mason ’24 Join Portland native, Jess Mason for a tour of their room in Hong Hall. Hong Global Hall is for local, national, and international students. Located in the middle of upper campus, it is home to a unique living/learning community consisting of six language and global… March 11, 2024 Global EducationLife on CampusResidential LifeStudent Life

  • PLU Global Studies Statement Against RacismWe, the Faculty Committee of the Global Studies Program at Pacific Lutheran University, stand in solidarity with those protesting racism, white supremacy, and state violence across the world. These events demonstrate local-global connections, which we continually strive to emphasize within the Global Studies curriculum. Locally, police killed Manuel Ellis here in Tacoma. Beyond Washington State, the police killings of George Floyd in Minneapolis and

  • February 15, 2008 Global health: Why does it matter? If public health was a fashion show, global health would be the new black. It’s hot. But what is global health, exactly? And why does it matter? Mark Twain once complained that everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. With apologies to Twain, I’d like to suggest that many people today are talking about global health but nobody seems to agree on what to do about it. Increasingly, arguments are flaring in this

  • May 27, 2008 Grads charged to be global citizens At the Spring Commencement ceremony May 25, the Class of 2008 was encouraged to take risks, be global citizens and pass on the legacy of PLU. The Tacoma Dome was packed with family and friends, all gathered to support the more than 700 undergraduate and graduate students who received their degrees. The ceremony featured a keynote address by former career diplomat Joyce Barr ’76, as well as a speech by graduating senior Candice Hughes. A native of

  • TACOMA, Wash. (Oct. 17, 2015)— “We’re all a bunch of nobodies, trying to tell everybody, about somebody who can save anybody,” Rev. Dr. Arthur Banks told the congregation at Eastside Baptist Church on Sunday, Nov. 15. It was “PLU Sunday” at the predominantly black faith community…

    ‘PLU Sunday’ Celebrates Life, Faith and the Friendship Shared by PLU and Eastside Baptist Church Posted by: Zach Powers / November 17, 2015 Image: Business major Thomas Copeland ’17 (far left), PLU Director of Multicultural Recruitment Melannie Denise Cunningham (third from left), physics major Sydney Spray ’19 (fifth from left) and social work major Emily Odegard ’18 (fourth from right) sing with members of the Eastside Baptist Church choir on Sunday, Nov. 15. (All photos by John Froschauer