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  • Associate Director of the Peace Corps Visits PLU Posted by: Thomas Krise / May 2, 2014 May 2, 2014 Associate Director of the Peace Corps, Helen Lowman, visited PLU this week. PLU ranks 3rd nationwide for Peace Corps volunteers with 16 undergraduate alumni currently serving. Read the story here. Proud to be a Lute! *Note: All comments are moderated Read Previous Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students Announcement Read Next Response to New York Times Article: ‘Bryan College Is Torn

  • 2019 Physics Capstone SymposiumJoin the Physics Department to hear the senior capstone presentations. Student presentations will take place Friday May 10, 2019. Talks are scheduled in Morken 105. Fluids and Waves 1:45 Laura Glastra “Microplastic Adsorption of Heavy Metals in Estuarine Systems” 2:00 Adam Lamontagne “Non-Newtonian fluid response to impact: An exploration” 2:15 Jeremy Flannery “Fundamentals of Fourier Transforms” 30-minute break   Optics 3:00 Robert Norton “A Review of Brewster’s

  • StaffsMickie Gonwick, Community Director for Harstad Hall, , with their RA staff.Andrew Corse, Community Director for Hinderlie & Kreidler Halls, with his RA staff.Mickie Gonwick, Community Director for Harstad Hall, with their RA staff (in the snow!).Former Community Directors & RA StaffsDhaval Patel, Associate Director for Campus Life Operations and Former Community Director for Stuen & Ordal Halls, with his former RA staff.Sharon Templeton, Former Community Director for Hinderlie & Hong Halls, with her

  • June 30, 2011 Life of the Mind: One student’s journey shapes the landscape of PLU, by imagining the past By Chris Albert Standing under the branches of a Garry oak tree on the hill behind the University Center, Reed Ojala-Barbour ’11 takes stock of the open space in front of him. He’s imagining what it must have been like more than 100 years ago – before the basketball court, sand volleyball court, and the well-manicured lawn bordered by a dry creek bed and residence halls. Reed Ojala-Barbour

  • Success Success 1024 504 Vince Schleitwiler Vince Schleitwiler May 13, 2019 May 21, 2019 Here’s how Lutes in different life stages define it Finding Lutes who have achieved great things isn’t hard, in just about any endeavor you choose. Getting them to brag about it can be a little

  • education asks students to bring their whole self—including their spiritual self, their social and family situations, their entire being—to their education,” Trelstad says. And, she adds, “we’re not afraid of any of it.” Marit TrelstadProfessor of Religion“In order to understand the present, and ultimately the future, we must understand the tradition we’re rooted in.” Access Julian Franco, assistant director of admissions for equity and access, says diversity and inclusion underpin the framework through

  • became members of Spanaway Lutheran Church, where he served as president of the congregation. Church was the cornerstone of Chuck’s life. While serving as PLU registrar, Chuck began recruiting students from Scandinavia to attend PLU, becoming the university’s first International Student Director. In 2005 he was knighted by the King of Norway for his service. Chuck retired from PLU and worked part-time for Trinity Lutheran College in Everett, while also recruiting American students to attend

  • TACOMA, Wash. (Oct. 17, 2015)— “We’re all a bunch of nobodies, trying to tell everybody, about somebody who can save anybody,” Rev. Dr. Arthur Banks told the congregation at Eastside Baptist Church on Sunday, Nov. 15. It was “PLU Sunday” at the predominantly black faith community…

    ‘PLU Sunday’ Celebrates Life, Faith and the Friendship Shared by PLU and Eastside Baptist Church Posted by: Zach Powers / November 17, 2015 Image: Business major Thomas Copeland ’17 (far left), PLU Director of Multicultural Recruitment Melannie Denise Cunningham (third from left), physics major Sydney Spray ’19 (fifth from left) and social work major Emily Odegard ’18 (fourth from right) sing with members of the Eastside Baptist Church choir on Sunday, Nov. 15. (All photos by John Froschauer

  • By:Logan June 10, 2019 0 Five Guys, One Basketball and Fifty Years 150 150 Logan Logan June 10, 2019 June 13, 2019 Five Guys, One Basketball and Fifty Years By Bob Ericksen, ’67 First, about those five guys and one basketball. I arrived at PLU in the fall of 1963, thinking I might play a little basketball. There I met five