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  • September 9, 2010 PLU President Loren J. Anderson urges students to ‘Dream big and dream often.’ Dream outrageously and work hard to attain your goals, President Anderson tells students By Barbara Clements Dream. Dream big, dream often, and dream of how you will solve problems of the world with your vision, persistence and unstoppable enthusiasm. That was the challenge that President Loren J. Anderson gave to the first-year class, as well as all those

  • October 4, 2010 Homecoming brings together current students and alumni as part of ‘Meant to Live’ By Steve Hansen When the student-organized Meant to Live program blossomed on the PLU campus in 2004, its mission was a simple one: To bring speakers to campus who can share their vocational journey. In short, to get them to talk to students about how and why they do what they love. The program was quite a success, and over the past several years, it brought people from a wide array of vocations

  • January 12, 2011 Who doesn’t love penguins? Professor to write about relationship between bird and humans. By Barbara Clements It’s hard to get Chuck Bergman to stop talking about penguins. And really who can blame him? They’re cute. They mate for life, and seem to care for their mates and offspring. They do amazing things to care for the next generation – be it brave the brutal weather in Antarctica or hopping up – and down- sheer cliff faces to make their nests. This Gentoo Penguin is one of

  • May 6, 2011 Nobel Prize laureate Edmond Fischer talks to PLU chemistry and biology students about the joys and frustrations of research work last Friday, May 6. (Photo by John Froschauer) Nobel laureate talks about the unpredictability of biochemistry…and it’s just plain fun. By Barbara Clements For Nobel Laureate Edmond Fischer, the most exciting part about research is that you’re never sure quite where you’re going to end up. The 91-year-old professor emeritus at the University of Washington

  • holiday get-togethers, I would help him in the kitchen.” Where she gets her food: Saars, QFC and Winco Grocery List: almond milk, yams, onions, garlic, spinach, Idahoan dehydrated potatoes, Annie’s macaroni and cheese, and turkey burgers Breakfast: half of a sandwich or a granola bar Lunch: a bowl of soup or a sandwich Snack: pretzels Dinner: macaroni and cheese or a turkey burger Read Previous Follow your dreams and say “yes” to opportunities, Patricia Krise advises Read Next Snow much fun COMMENTS

  • December 7, 2012 PLU grad continues to give back to his community and greater Tacoma area By Igor Strupinskiy ’14 President of Korsmo Construction, John Korsmo ’84 is building more than just academic halls. His company, founded by his father, John Korsmo Sr., is focused on sustaining community, both at PLU and in the greater Tacoma area. “We want to be of help where we can,” Korsmo said. John Korsmo (far right) with Martin J. Neeb and their wives, Lisa Korsmo and Barbara Neeb, in front of the

  • to them, and also working out in the community. I connect a lot of different levels of government to each other. That sounds like it must take a lot of communication chops. Yes, that’s a big part of it. Often it feels a lot like translating. I work with staff, agency partners and elected officials with high-level skills and expertise in finance, engineering, communications, and the environment. So I do a lot of work on my end to understand and evaluate things from those different perspectives

  • Alumni Feature: Jeremy Mangan Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / April 20, 2012 April 20, 2012 Who: Jermey Mangan – Graduated from PLU in 1998 with degrees in fine art and German Many SOAC students hope their careers turn out like Jeremy Mangan’s. Currently, he is included in Tacoma Art Museum’s 10th biennial, a group exhibition at Cornish College and a finalist for the prestigious and generous award called the Neddy. He’s the subject of a feature in an upcoming arts and culture publication and

  • Adrian Arrives A student from Alaska discovers his love for computer science and lands his dream job at Netflix. Posted by: nicolacs / November 1, 2022 Image: Image: Adrian Ronquillo ’22 (PLU Photo/Sy Bean) November 1, 2022 By Veronica CrakerResoLute Assistant EditorDuring his senior year, computer science major Adrian Ronquillo ’22 filled out 203 job applications. Despite already having a job offer from a tech company he was interning with, he wanted to see what other opportunities were

  • July 27, 2012 In the foreground of this picture is Audrey (Coryell) Okuda’78, who came all the way from Japan for the reunion. Next to her is Dominique Lopez Piper, who is singing for her mom, Mary (Piper) Lopez Garelli ’81, who can no longer sing due to a medical condition. (John Froschauer, Photos) Choir of the West reunion and benefit concert draws alumni from across the globe By Barbara Clements University Communications For Audrey (Coryell) Okuda ’78 traveling 5,000 miles to be with her