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  • -enacted the works of Europe’s first woman playwright, performed love poems of Germany’s troubadours, read the correspondence of nuns choosing to or forced to leave their convents because of the Reformation, and learned hands-on the techniques used in woodcuts and engravings by the first artists of the early modern print age. German major Alexandra Dreher articulated her appreciation for the knowledge she gained from this interdisciplinary, humanities-based approach as follows: “Learning about the

  • Professor Call to begin developing a book on the subject, which she continued to work on with a 2019-2020 Kelmer Roe fellowship with writing major Mathilde Magga.In 2017-18, one collaboration was between Riley Dolan and Professor Carmiña Palerm of the Hispanic Studies Program. Riley conducted a study of the Guatemalan Genocide in the early 1980’s. While studying the subject in class, he hadn’t found scholarly sources about the monuments for Guatemala, nor articles about dealing with the memory and

  • Tacoma Immersion Experience Semester discontinued TIES Program Update from Joel Zylstra (Director, Center for Community Engagement and Service) The Tacoma Immersion Experience Semester (TIES) program has been discontinued indefinitely. TIES served as one expression of PLU’s long-term commitments to linking global education with our local community. In the early 2000’s,… December 13, 2017 community engagementfaculty newsletterstudy away

  • Stuart Gavidia ’24 majored in computer science while interning at Amazon, Cannon, and Pierce County Stuart Gavidia is a first generation Latino student and spent most of his life in Lakewood and then Spanaway, about 10 minutes from PLU, and he knew he wanted to come here for college, so he could remain close to his family. From an early… June 13, 2024 AcademicsComputer ScienceInternshipsInvolvementSeekerTrailblazer

  • Debate student discusses local issues on KBTC’s Northwest Now After weighing in on the new proposed minimum wage at the Ruth Anderson Debate in early October, PLU Debater Angie Tinker ’16 took her argument to a much bigger audience when she taped a segment for KBTC’s Northwest Now. At a large news-show desk in… November 11, 2015 Debate

  • How Innovative was the Apple II? By Damian Alessandro ’19. In most popular histories of computing, the Apple II personal computer (1977) stands out as a pathbreaker among early devices in the PC Revolution. But how innovative was Apple’s first mass-market computer, and what design features and ideas helped it stand… July 23, 2018 Apple IIconvivial toolsDamian Alessandroinnovation studiesSteve Wozniak

  • school year, Edwards started trying out voices for the “Choir of the West,” a name suggested by an early tour manager of the choir. Despite a shortage of qualified singers, Edwards started building a choir that became respectable and even excellent in time. The choir traveled regularly, often sang on the radio, and was critically well received. All through the 1930s the PLC Bulletin announced the special role of the Choir of the West: “This organization enjoys the unique distinction of being the only

  • . “Most could not see the Holocaust amidst all the horror,” after the war, Hayes said. Reparations were addressed in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Four things had to change for a surge in reparations Professor Peter Hayes of Northwestern University talks about the long fight for restitution by those who suffered under the Nazis in WWll. Billions have been paid over the last decades, but it took the ending of the Cold War and the power of class action suits to bring justice for some heirs and

  • . Nearly two years ago, the podcast idea took root when Avila met with Hall for one of their monthly lunches. Hall was a student of Avila’s and the two had stayed in touch, while Hall pursued his master’s in design at the University of Washington. The challenge of how to get to the next step in a design career sparked the conversation. Hall, who is living through those early stages, saw how the early practice allowed people to do exciting, innovative work. This Is Design School A podcast for those

  • Cinema” HIST 289 when taught as “Women in World History” KINS 315: Body Image RELI 330 when taught as “Sex and the Bible” RELI 366 when taught as “Race, Gender, American Christianity” RELI 368: Feminist, Womanist, Latinx, and Queer Theologies RELI 390 when taught as “Women in the Ancient World” PSYC 375: Psychology of Women SOCI 210: Gender and Society SOCI 494: Gender and Violence GSRS Approved Elective Courses - Critical Race Studies Distribution COMA 304: Intercultural Communication ENGL 216 when