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  • Lots of Lutes at Ferrucci A quorum of the 15 Lutes on staff at Ferrucci Junior High pose for a group photo outside the Puyallup school. From left: Jeanine Wernofsky ’82, Ron Baltazar ’00, Joan Forseth ’91, Kim Lawson ’82, Brent Anderson ’97, Steve Leifsen…

    talk to students, but so far her PLU classes haven’t synced well enough with AVID classes for tutoring. “There’s still time,” she said. “If it wasn’t for them, my school career would have been a lot harder with a different outcome. I’m so very grateful for that relationship because I have done so much more than academics.” Read Previous Daffodil Royalty Blossoms at PLU Read Next How ‘€˜Packaged Pleasures’€™ Have Changed Us All COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear

  • OLYMPIA, WASH. (Nov. 22, 2019) — When asked the simple question “What’s an average week at work like for you?” Justin Kjolseth ’10 doesn’t have a clear answer. “It varies,” they say. “There really is no average work week for me.” Kjolseth isn’t dodging the…

    , and the relationship of structures and processes to societal purposes.There are absolutely aspects of my undergraduate education that prepared me for law school. My time spent on the debate team at PLU was very helpful for a lot of the speech and advocacy work that I have to do as a part of my job. I was a political science major, so learning about the political process was helpful. Another thing that helped me a lot was doing the legislative internship for my capstone project during the spring

  • The Rieke Scholars program is an undergraduate scholarship opportunity that invites students to deepen their understanding, practice, and commitment to diversity, justice, and sustainability in

    taking. Engage with the community through taking ownership of membership in our multiple communities, examination of the interdependence of diversity, justice, and sustainability in relationship, and practice active participation with The Center for Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability values and programs. Commit to student success through developing a personal definition of student success, goals, and developing connections with peers, faculty, and staff. Rieke Scholar Tracks DJS

  • Professor Emeritus | Earth Science | Brian E.

    his expertise, he arranged a collaborative relationship with the University of Puget Sound that allowed PLU students to take courses to complete their geology major. Brian has traditionally taught the fundamental upper division ‘hard rock’ courses in Petrology, Optical Mineralogy, Structural Geology, Mapping, and Geologic Field Mapping. He is noted for teaching with great enthusiasm and is legendary for his hand-drawn complex multicolored classroom illustrations. He is committed to rigor and

  • The review time is typically shorter than other categories of review (~6-8 days).

    be defined in terms of having control over the extent, timing, and circumstances of sharing oneself (physically, behaviorally, or intellectually) with others. Confidentiality >>>Confidentiality pertains to the treatment of information that an individual has disclosed in a relationship of trust and with the expectation that it will not be divulged to others, in ways that are inconsistent with the understanding of the original disclosure without permission. Full Board ReviewThis type of proposal

  • Philosophy involves inquiry about the most basic and compelling questions of life. German philosopher Immanuel Kant once summed up these questions in this way: “What can I know? What should I do?

    if they have a direct relationship to your individual philosophy program. This makes it easier to complete a double major, something of significant value to potential employers and graduate schools. Honors Major An Honors Major in philosophy is also available for those who maintain a 3.30 GPA in philosophy courses. In addition to the above courses, you must complete the Honors Research Project (493) with at least a B. This involves an honors thesis and completion of a reading program of primary

  • Recently, I received a letter from a concerned parent and alumna commenting on how completely amazed and surprised she is at how different PLU is now, compared to her time here in the early 1980s.  She has since returned to campus many times, but more…

    quantifiable measures that help our students find a meaningful place in our complex world. We are helped in this endeavor by a strong relationship with the Synod in our collaborative review of Campus Ministry and Congregation Relations; by a number of PLU alumni who, encouraged by their growth and learning at PLU, have entered the Lutheran Volunteer Corps; and by recent graduates who have entered into public ministry and credit PLU professors who offered them encouragement.  This alumna and parent is

  • These guidelines are intended to provide student groups, who are authorized to travel on behalf of the university, with adequate means of transportation, lodging, meals and other services necessary

    Mileage Form by the 15th of the month following the expense. To ensure reimbursement of incurred expenses; the following must be documented in the space provided on the Travel Expense Voucher: The business purpose of the trip or entertainment. The dates and corresponding amounts of each item of expense. If any of the expenses were incurred on the behalf of other non- PLU employees, state their business relationship to PLU (i.e., purpose of the business entertainment.) The University requires that

  • PLU alumnus came for the hoops, stayed for the connections By Kari Plog ’11 Steve Maxwell, ’90, always knew he wanted to be in business, but that isn’t what originally attracted him to Pacific Lutheran University. “I came to PLU to play basketball,” Maxwell said.…

    business and build local economy, and still finds time to coach youth basketball. Through his work in the community, Maxwell said he is impressed with the extent that PLU reaches out. “I’m continually amazed at all the people in connection with PLU,” he said. Maxwell said many people ask if he planned to end up where he has. His answer is a simple one. “I never laid out a five or 10 year plan,” he said. “I looked everyday to make myself better and build relationship opportunities.” Maxwell said if a

  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 4, 2016)- For the first time in the event’s five-year history, TEDxTacoma will be hosted at Pacific Lutheran University on April 22. For the event’s host, Adam Utley, the new location signifies a homecoming of sorts, as the the improv performer and…

    improv is what it does for the human brain.  There’s exciting new research about what’s called the Default Mode Network (DMN): it’s the home of creativity, and flow, innovation and breakthrough insight. Improv strengthens the DMN. It activates empathy, self-value, and the synthesis of ideas. Improvisational relationships — where each relationship participant is equal and unique — are healthy, productive, synergistic relationships. And so, businesses thrive when the minds that make them up are improv