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  • distribution and evolution in fishes, 24 species representing 24 families and all four major orders of otophysan fishes were surveyed. A combination of light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to search 15 body regions for the presence of extraoral taste buds. Taste bud morphologies and distributions were then mapped onto an existing phylogeny of otophysan fishes, allowing for inferences regarding evolutionary history. Results suggest that extraoral taste buds may have evolved

  • through the aftermath of British rule and the imprint of the English language on the multiple languages spoken in the country. Simultaneously, the novel challenges Britain to redress its colonial history. Kamal is under no allegiance to false unification. She represents the pluralistic perspectives of Pakistan through a diverse cast of characters. Her novel aims to unsettle the British literary canon in order to make a place for itself, more characters of color, and non-English languages not only in

  • systems change that offer meaningful solutions.” Brian Lloyd ’88 is a vice president at Beacon Development Group, a Seattle-based operation that provides affordable housing consulting services to nonprofits and public housing Authorities. “PLU instilled the idea that I could serve the community,” says Lloyd, who double majored in history and global studies at PLU before earning a master of public policy degree from Harvard University. “After grad school, I realized the place for my service was the

  • intrepid class helped seal a spot in history for PLU as the very first U.S. college to have students and professors studying on all seven continents at the same time. PLU has long been a leader in global education, and an important part of that is giving our students multiple opportunities to study in different locations — whether that’s as close as Neah Bay, Washington, or as far away as Antarctica. And students take advantage of these opportunities — over half of all students study away at least once

  • potentially huge impact. “She is on the ground floor of a relatively new field that has the possibility of making all kinds of great insights into cancer in the evolution of history,” Ryan said. As Hunt and other researchers unearth more and more ancient evidence—breast cancer in 3500 B.C. Egypt, osteo-sarcoma in a T. rex femur—Hunt has formed an intriguing theory: She believes cancer is inherent in human beings and is aggravated by—rather than caused by—environmental factors. Her goal now is to gather

  • campus so beautiful and all the staff and faculty were welcoming and excited for my future! My PLU experience: At PLU I have been academically challenged and enriched in subjects from gender studies, environmental justice and jazz. I’ve learned to take risks and always found a community to fall back on. Because so much time is devoted to looking at issues and topics from a perspective other than my own, I have been challenged to discover my own capacity for compassion. What’s next? I’m hoping to get

  • are now adding to the conversation in ways that may expand our possibilities for understanding this important dimension of human life. Consider for example just a few of the titles to have appeared in the last few years, selected to give a sense of disciplinary and theoretical range: Keith Thomas, Man and the Natural World: A History of the Modern Sensibility (Penguin/Random House 1983); E. O. Wilson, Biophilia: The Human Bond with Other Species (Harvard 1984); Harriet Ritvo, The Animal Estate

  • of self, rather than a dreamed-of salary. In short, discovery of the authentic I inspires professional creativity, and compassionate, reflective citizenship.Creating an environment that promotes lifelong honing of the I is what liberal education is all about. As such, the undergraduate “liberal arts” skills that students learn, be they history, biology, a foreign language, or psychology, should in praxis be a mere framework through which an attentive teacher lays a path for students to discover

  • bachelor’s graduates and 100 percent of master’s degree graduates passed their state boards at first sitting. One more PLU graduate received a Fulbright Fellowship, bringing our 34 year total to 80. Our student Mathematics Modeling team won a meritorious award, the second-highest award possible, and the student MediaLab received a college division Emmy Award for their film “Illicit Exchanges: Canada, the US, and Crime.” At the end of the academic year,  the University Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band

  • : Independent Studies.   Graduation: Corboy will walk in the May Commencement ceremony and graduate in August. Peace-building experience: Corboy received a Gates Scholarship that helped fund a J-Term course in Greece detailing the struggle of Jews to integrate into new communities following the Diaspora. She followed this with a semester at Swansea University in Wales, studying the history of war, genocide and efforts to recover from conflict and rebuild communities. She also participated in a semester-long