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  • that almost never landed. Scholars including Dr. Susanna Heschel, Dr. Christopher Browning, Dr. Helmut Lehmann will join Dr. Robert Ericksen in Ericksen’s retirement year. Survivor Renee Firestone and rescuer Nellie Trocme Hewett will also present talks during the three-day conference. Ilana Cone-Kennedy and Nick Coddington have prepared a Friday morning dual-track experience for teachers and high school students to explore teaching and learning the lessons of the Holocaust. Teachers seeking credit

  • that almost never landed. Scholars including Dr. Susanna Heschel, Dr. Christopher Browning, Dr. Helmut Lehmann will join Dr. Robert Ericksen in Ericksen’s retirement year. Survivor Renee Firestone and rescuer Nellie Trocme Hewett will also present talks during the three-day conference. Ilana Cone-Kennedy and Nick Coddington have prepared a Friday morning dual-track experience for teachers and high school students to explore teaching and learning the lessons of the Holocaust. Teachers seeking credit

  • that almost never landed. Scholars including Dr. Susanna Heschel, Dr. Christopher Browning, Dr. Helmut Lehmann will join Dr. Robert Ericksen in Ericksen’s retirement year. Survivor Renee Firestone and rescuer Nellie Trocme Hewett will also present talks during the three-day conference. Ilana Cone-Kennedy and Nick Coddington have prepared a Friday morning dual-track experience for teachers and high school students to explore teaching and learning the lessons of the Holocaust. Teachers seeking credit

  • that almost never landed. Scholars including Dr. Susanna Heschel, Dr. Christopher Browning, Dr. Helmut Lehmann will join Dr. Robert Ericksen in Ericksen’s retirement year. Survivor Renee Firestone and rescuer Nellie Trocme Hewett will also present talks during the three-day conference. Ilana Cone-Kennedy and Nick Coddington have prepared a Friday morning dual-track experience for teachers and high school students to explore teaching and learning the lessons of the Holocaust. Teachers seeking credit

  • Homecoming Highlights Awards Recognition Alumni Profiles Alumni Events Class Notes Calendar Words Can Hurt Featured / September 2, 2014 The Word-Choice Campaign Everyone is Talking About By Sandy Deneau Dunham RESOLUTE Editor I t seems fitting that PLU’s My Language/My Choice campaign grew into something giant—it’s evolved so exponentially and organically over the years, there really was no other way to go. Originally spurred with a $500 Diversity Center grant from The Pride Foundation, the campaign

  • Explore Areas for ConsiderationDurationConsider how long you want to immerse yourself in another culture. Programs range from a week to a year, and everywhere in between. SemesterGet the biggest bang for your buck! Studying Away on a PLU Gateway or Featured semester program, you get to use financial aid, PLU gift aid and scholarships while earning PLU credit toward your degree. Program costs are comparable to being at PLU, plus there are study abroad scholarships available. Start here to learn

  • Conference ScheduleThursday, September 24, 2015 8:00 a.m. – Registration begins in the North Lobby University Center across form the Concierge Desk; Conference booklet; name badges for registered participants; banquet tickets for pick-up 9:00 a.m. – Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Why Jews and Christians Parted Ways Dr. Agnes Choi, Assistant Professor of New Testament, PLU The origins of Christianity lie in Judaism: Jesus was Jewish, the disciples were Jewish, and Paul was Jewish. The Christian Old

  • Intercultural Development Inventory® The Intercultural Development Inventory is a 50-item questionnaire available online that can be completed in 15–20 minutes with complete confidentiality. PLU’s Qualified Administrators work closely with participants to walk them through the entire process to ensure comprehension of the results and to create robust action plans.Learn more

  • Join us! So you want to play? Interested in playing Lacrosse at Pacific Lutheran University? Never played before? No problem! There is absolutely no experience needed. In fact, many of our player had never played lacrosse prior coming to PLU. If you want to learn more about lacrosse contact us at

  • Complaint / Concern Form (pdf) view download If you are not satisfied with your experiences at PLU Counseling Services, we want to hear from you.  We want our services to be satisfactory to all.