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  • January 21, 2011 Working toward peace for 20 years By Chris Albert For 20 years, PLU Regent Tom Eric Vraalsen worked toward peace in Sudan. Earlier this month, the former ambassador of Norway saw part of that work come to fruition with a vote by the south Sudanese people to secede from the north and become an autonomous country. PLU Regent, and former ambassador of Norway, Tom Eric Vraalsen shared his thoughts about elections in Sudan. (Photos by John Froschauer) Thursday, Jan. 20 Vraalsen

  • January 11, 2008 East Campus holiday event successful In parade-like fashion, Dolly Hale’s first grader class from Tacoma’s Elmhurst Elementary School marched across the pavement. Each purposefully carried the toy they had purchased with their parents to the waiting car. The toys were donated to PLU’s East Campus holiday event, which serves 300 needy families living in the area. The huge outpouring of support from PLU and community organizations – like those elementary school students – made

  • April 25, 2008 Poetic imagery celebrates Earth Day Mary Oliver has never written a poem from beginning to end, without edits. She loves her dog, Percy, dearly, and has devoted at least three poems to him. She likes to read non-fiction, mostly. She draws most of her inspiration from the natural world, but isn’t above placing images of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sniffing presidential armpits in her work – really. At last Tuesday’s Earth Day celebration, the reclusive Pulitzer

  • September 22, 2008 Prof appears on Discovery Channel this week Classics professor Eric Nelson will once again be featured in prime time, this time talking about torture, animals and the environment, all in the time of the Caesars. Nelson will be featured this week on a Discovery Channel program, “Machines of Malice,” which will first air Tuesday, Sept. 23. He will also be travelling to Vancouver today (Monday) to work on an Animal Planet program, Animal Gladiators. Both programs will look at

  • September 29, 2010 MBA grads hit it off with giving kudos online By Barbara Clements Who doesn’t like props? That’s what Ryan Hart thought last year when he wrote a business plan for a local business award Website. Hart, 25, who completed his MBA at PLU, decided, why not try a local version of this idea? Ryan Hart (left) and Lee Pogue, both ’09, developed the Crown in Town Web site where customers can rate local businesses last year. The result, with the help of his fellow MBA grad, Lee Pogue

  • social service groups, Quakers and UK-based Jewish groups coalesced in a desperate, and successful attempt to rescue Jewish children from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. And it was this rescue of 10,000 children between 1938 and 1940 that caught Laura Brade’s ’08, interest and imagination as she pondered the focus of her master’s thesis at Chapel Hill. Specifically, Brade, who is studying under Professor Chris Browning – a former history

  • October 15, 2012 Deirdre N. McCloskey – distinguished professor of economics, history, English, and communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago – spoke about the value of the middle-class during the annual Dale E. Benson Lecture in Business and Economic History. (Photo by John Struzenberg ’15) The value of the bourgeoisie By Katie Scaff ’13 Don’t be ashamed of being bourgeois, said Deirdre N. McCloskey, distinguished professor of economics, history, English, and communication at the

  • In the following text, Dr. Carmiña Palerm, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Director of the International Honors Program, considers how a Humanistic approach can inform the design and implementation of a study-away course. In this particular case study, Dr. Palerm describes a class titled “American Genesis: Indigenous Texts and their Resonance” that she offered as part of the Wang Center’s Gateway Semester Program in Oaxaca, Mexico in Fall of 2012.I had two goals in designing this

  • Timely Warning — Burglary Sep 25, 2024 @ 11:13am Alert Type: Emergency The Campus Safety Department was notified of a burglary in Hinderlie Hall at approximately 3:55 a.m. on 9/25/2024. Residents reported an unidentified suspect gained access to a residential hall room through an open window. No injuries were reported, but personal items were taken. Local law enforcement has been notified of this incident, and affected students... read more

  • Connection through Translation Posted by: hoskinsk / May 6, 2020 Image: Kiyomi Kishaba, English and Communication major and Professor Rona Kaufman, Associate Professor of English May 6, 2020 By Jenna Muller '20English MajorFor Kiyomi Kishaba, the act of translating Spanish texts is more than simple transcription. It’s an act of rebellion against historical oppression.Kishaba, an English Writing and Communications double major and a Theatre and Hispanic Studies double minor, worked with