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  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Posted on November 27, 2017October 31, 2018 Commemoration, Culture, and Coco: Exploring Día de Muertos in Mexico Día de los Muertos is a holiday in Oaxaca, México that brings together the community in a week of celebrations, festivals, and gatherings. It’s a community effort with preparations beginning weeks beforehand and lots of behind the scenes work. The week is filled with events that unite Oaxaca, including plays, live concerts, and daily parades. … Continue reading Commemoration, Culture

  • Back to Step 3 Back to Step 5Exempt ReviewThe review time is typically shorter than other categories of review (~6-8 days).Learn more about exempt researchOnly certain categories of research qualify as exempt, based on federal regulations. Students must still submit an HPRB proposal (and accompanying documents), so that the HPRB will understand how participants’ identity and privacy will be protected. If the HPRB reviews a project and determines that it is “exempt,” no further oversight or