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  • TACOMA, WASH. (April 11, 2019) — Pacific Lutheran University is honored to announce that Michelle Long ‘85, who is a vice chair on PLU’s Board of Regents and a longtime member of our Lute family, will help celebrate this year’s graduates graduating seniors as the…

    chemistry. “I got my first chemistry set when I was 9 years old,” Long said. “It was an opportunity for me to carry that learning further, because I also enjoyed math and science as a whole.”Degree in hand, she began working for Texaco Refining and Marketing in 1988 — beginning a more than 30-year career in the industry. Long has had roles of increasing responsibility in areas of manufacturing and processes improvement. This led to her developing expertise in supply chain management for alternative

  • Occasionally, we are fortunate enough to find things that are more exciting than what we are searching for. This is certainly true for Dr. Jen Jenkins, Associate Professor of German in the Languages and Literature Department at Pacific Lutheran University. Dr. Jenkins spent the 2016-2017…

    had his fair share of flaws, especially concerning his romantic life. “Hermann Broch was a complicated man,” Dr. Jenkins said. “He certainly was not an angel. He did have high ethical standards that he set for himself in terms of doing things for other people, but he was kind of a serial womanizer. He was not built to be in a relationship with one person.” Dr. Jenkins was awarded the Hermann Broch Fellowship by the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University. For the entire month of

  • The review time is typically shorter than other categories of review (~6-8 days).

    , individuals who for one reason or another cannot provide informed consent. Privacy >>>Privacy can be defined in terms of having control over the extent, timing, and circumstances of sharing oneself (physically, behaviorally, or intellectually) with others. Confidentiality >>>Confidentiality pertains to the treatment of information that an individual has disclosed in a relationship of trust and with the expectation that it will not be divulged to others, in ways that are inconsistent with the understanding

  • Sarah Saavedra ’22 is a social work major with a minor in psychology and a certificate in Peace Corps Prep. The Auburn resident is the first in her family to go to college. She credits her many scholarships for navigating college as a first-year student.…

    the same from a macro level. 9. As you look back on your time at PLU, what have you enjoyed most? I truly enjoyed creating a professional relationship with the professors and other faculty. It definitely was an amazing experience to have, and it will be something I miss as I progress through life! 10. When you hear the phrase “Lutes Open Doors,” what does that mean to you? Figuratively, it means that we are kind and inclusive to all individuals! Literally, I believe it means that we are open to

  • PLU Peace Corps program prepares Lutes for service work abroad.

    . Later, Wiley returned for doctoral work. She maintains connections with communities there. “One thing I learned in the Peace Corps was that relationship building and spending time with people was something I was really passionate about,” Wiley said. “And to some extent that is what cultural anthropologists do, we study contemporary human life.” Now, Wiley will help PLU students coordinate the courses they need and find internships or volunteer opportunities in Peace Corps sectors, such as education

  • The Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice is pleased to present the 2024 Spring Capstones. May 16 - 4:45-7:00 pm Anderson University Center Please see the schedule below for presentation

    - Allie WatkinsFrom Adolescence to Adulthood: Unraveling the Complex Relationship Between Adolescent Porn Consumption5:10-5:20 pm - Lindsay MayPredictors of Well-Being Among Young Adults5:20-5:30 pm - Kirsten IversonFashion's Role in Shaping Young Womens' Self-Perception and Environmental Awareness5:30-5:40 pm - Questions and Answers5:50 pm - Move Rooms & Light Refreshments6:00 pm - Session 2Room 1 - Anderson University Center 203 Policing, Crime, and Homelessness Moderator: Dr. Gerardo Cuevas-Buendia

  • SPANAWAY, Wash. (June 25, 2015)— On the grassy fields outside of the Sprinker Recreation Center at 9:30 a.m. the temperature has already climbed to the mid-80’s. Day two of Success Soccer Camp has begun, and over 200 campers ages 6-17 are already enthusiastically working up…

    to imagine they won’t. Plus, the top-of-the-line soccer ball and T-shirt that all campers receive thanks to Hacker’s USA Soccer-forged relationship with Nike can surely only help. Read Previous PLU Alumna Named Western Washington’s “New Journalist of the Year” Read Next School of Business Faculty Member Elected President of CFA Society Seattle COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private

  • Membership: Vice president and Chief Operating Officer (chair); one person from Provost’s Academic Council (selected by the Provost’s Academic Council); the vice chair of the faculty; director

    Committee; University Long-Range Planning Committee; University Safety Committee; University Sustainability Committee.Section 1. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE Membership: Vice president and Chief Operating Officer (chair); one person from Provost’s Academic Council (selected by the Provost’s Academic Council); the vice chair of the faculty; director of athletics and recreation; associate vice president of campus life; associate vice president of facilities management; associate vice president

  • He was working by age 8, picking cherries and apples under the Yakima Valley sun. In the spring he worked as a smudger. He’d sleep overnight in an orchard and when the alarms rang he’d sprint to light the smudge pots that warmed the trees…

    management team to look at the old challenges with new eyes.  “I think the best innovation isn’t when you set out, intentionally, to be innovative or to be different,” he says. “It’s really about having a clear mind, being able to think about a problem without the restraints of traditional convention or the past.”  Emboldened by Belton’s encouragement and the recent success of the 253 PLU Bound Scholarship, staff and faculty leaders began to bring new ideas forward that would bolster the university’s

  • Tap In: How Nonprofits and Social Businesses Impact the World Course: Spring Semester 2017 with international experience June 3-10

    credits) (2) BUSA 388 (Special Topics).  The special topics course will be focused on nonprofit operations, and customized projects may allow it to be considered for an elective with management or marketing. (4 credits) (3) BUSA 491 (Independent Study).  We can explore if an independent study could be appropriate for your program at PLU. (4 credits) Interested? Hurry, space is extremely limited (only 7-10 spaces are available). For more information, an application or answers to FAQ’s, please visit