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  • Various types of posting areas and bulletin boards are provided throughout the PLU campus to provide information to students, faculty and staff. Student Engagement must stamp all posted materials for approval. This stamp is certification that the sponsoring organization has met the following applicable conditions established by Student Engagement. Authorization may be refused if one or more of these conditions have not been met. This authorization is neither an endorsement of the activities nor

  • Per covid and university regulations all travel is suspended at this time. The Office for Student Engagement supports student club/organization travel to engage in service, conferences, competitions and other activities in order to augment students’ experiences outside of the classroom, to facilitate professional development, and to enrich the communities in which students engage. Student club/organization requests to travel either domestically or internationally will be considered in light of

  • Accommodation of Persons with Disabilities Ferpa Policy Statement Grade Disputes Grievance Policy and Procedures Photo and Videotape Speakers/Guests on Campus Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

  • Pacific Lutheran University is committed to the internal resolution of disputes arising within the university community.  To that end, the President has appointed a University Dispute Resolution Committee (UDRC) that includes representatives from the faculty, student life, human resources and academic administration.  The Committee appointments shall each be for a minimum two-year term.  The University Dispute Resolution Committee is charged with reducing conflicts and helping members of the

  • Pacific Lutheran University provides Information Technology (IT) services in support of the university’s educational mission.  IT services include computer labs, data and voice networks, classroom and instructional technologies, and the Banner student information system.  Policies related to these services extend also to copyright infringement, content accessed or downloaded over the network (even with personally owned computers), and appropriate use of all modes of electronic communication

  • Parking on the PLU campus is by decal only.  All members of this community must register their vehicles with Campus Safety while parking on campus.  An appropriate decal is issued upon registration.  Because parking space is at a premium on campus, it is imperative that everyone parks in their assigned area(s).  Parking tickets are written for failure to register and for parking in reserved or unauthorized areas.  Registration decals are valid from September 1 through August 31 of the following

  • number of credits. Each course incurs an additional technology fee and some labs and art courses may have additional fees. Examples Four-credit fully face-to-face or online course: $824 (per credit hour) x 4 (credit hours) = $3296 + $75 technology fee = $3,371 Four-credit face-to-face science with a 0-credit lab: $824 (per credit hour) x 4 (credit hours) = $3,296 + $110 lab fee + $75 tech = $3,481 Four-credit face-to-face science with a 1-credit lab: $824(per credit hour) x 5 (credit hours) = $4120

  • Protections for Pregnancy and Related ConditionsThe goal of Title IX is to safeguard students and employees from experiencing sex discrimination, and to ensure everyone’s equal access to educational programming and institutional sponsored activities. One tactic towards attaining that goal is to extend Title IX protections to students and employees experiencing pregnancy or related conditions. Pregnancy and related conditions, as defined by the 2024 Title IX regulations, include pregnancy

  • Grievance Policy and Procedures Grievance Policy and Procedures Adopted September 1997 Updated September 2001, April 2002, August 2005, November 2010, July 2014, and December 2021 I. INTRODUCTION Pacific Lutheran University is committed to the internal resolution of disputes arising within the university community. To that end, the President has appointed a University Dispute Resolution Committee that includes representatives from the faculty, student life, human resources and academic

  • Global Study On-Campus Photo by John Froschauer In addition to study away, Pacific Lutheran University offers several opportunities for global education through on-campus academic departments and programs.PLU offers an International Honors program, eight foreign languages, an International Business concentration within the School of Business and cross-disciplinary majors in Chinese Studies, Global Studies, Nordic Studies and Environmental Studies. There are programs for the study of global