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  • Staff Forum with President Belton PLU Staff had the opportunity to ask President Belton questions about the Presidential Search process and his vision for the university on May 10th, 2019. May 10, 2019 Communication

  • Lathiena Nervo Assistant Professor of Biology she/her/hers Phone: 253-535-7376 Email: Office Location: Rieke Science Center - 148 Curriculum Vitae: View my CV Professional Biography Education Ph.D., Developmental Biology, University of Maryland - Baltimore County, 2015 B.S., Biological Sciences, University of Maryland - Baltimore County, 2004 Selected Presentations Manning,L.A., Ronk,H., Sewell, M.,Peifer, M., The scaffold protein Canoe and ZO1/Polychaetoid work together to

    Contact Information
  • Past Powell-Heller Holocaust Conferences 2016 Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust EducationThe Ninth Annual Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education “Women and the Holocaust” took place Oct. 17-19. Why study women and their experiences in the Holocaust. It was not until the 1980s that historians such as Joan Ringelheim and other academics began to ask the question “Where are the women?” in the story of the Holocaust. This conference is not an attempt to create a competition of

  • was viewed during the reunion. Unfortunately, due to copyright laws the music has been taken out. Slideshow50th Reunion Photos View photos from the Class of 1969 reunion reception and dinner on Friday, October 4. Special guests included University  Photographer Ken Dunmire and Dr. Wilma Peterson, Assistant Professor of Nursing in Pediatrics. View GalleryGolden Club Brunch and University CongregationThe Class of 1969 was invited to the Golden Brunch this year, as it is for those that attended PLU

  • March 27, 2008 Culinary Week features talents of master chef Italian flavors reigned supreme at PLU’s first-ever Culinary Week that featured certified master chef Ken Arnone. Hosted by Dining and Culinary Services, the week included interactive cooking sessions taught by Arnone, PLU staff and local experts, as well as a free lunch featuring authentic Italian cuisine. “We have this new facility and many new staff members, all who bring to the table different culinary talents,” said Erin McGinnis

  • University-Chicago. In addition to teaching classes in the graduate and undergraduate theology programs, she also teaches in the Women’s Studies Program, the Institute of Pastoral Studies and the Catholic Studies Program. “I’ll be talking about the ways that beauty has been understood as a way to find God, how traditional ways of seeing beauty have objectified women and made beauty something ‘above’ the world, and how women’s practices of beauty – in the past and present – suggest ways of linking beauty

  • March 5, 2014 PLU Peace Scholars leave for Nobel Peace Prize Forum Juniors Andrew Larsen and Amy Delo will be attending the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize forum this year in Minneapolis. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) Dr. William Foege ’57 is a keynote speaker at the event By Barbara Clements Content Director, Marketing and Communications Two Pacific Lutheran University students fly off to Minneapolis the week of March 3 to begin fulfilling their dreams of someday working in the Peace Corps or working on

  • Undergraduate Programs at PLU The Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs are designed for students who are not licensed nurses. We offer a traditional BSN located at PLU’s main campus in Tacoma, and the Accelerated BSN program in Lynnwood for students with a minimum of 60 non-nursing college credits . You will find a learning environment where students work with outstanding faculty and staff to gain knowledge and skills, share professional experiences with expert clinical preceptors, and

  • Planning for Activities and TravelUtilize the resources listed to the right to assist in planning PLU sponsored activities on and off campus or any PLU sponsored travel. Official off-campus activities receive the benefit of the university’s insurance and other support.  Affiliation with PLU doesn’t equate to sponsorship of travel or activities.  The leader of a group activity should check with his or her supervisor to learn the details of what resources are available and how the activity can

  • On Exhibit: Library Resources about Homelessness Posted by: Holly Senn / October 13, 2021 October 13, 2021 On Exhibit: Library Resources about Homelessness “’Homelessness’ refers to much more than the situation of individuals who find themselves without an adequate place of residence. The standard legal definitions of homelessness . . . overlook the conditions of detachment or separation from mainstream society that characterize many homeless people around the world. Whether identified as