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  • Office of AdvancementSponsored Programs The Sponsored Programs team helps to pair university faculty and staff grant-seekers with public funding sources and private, corporate, and community foundations to grow support for faculty research and university priorities. Our team can help you to find funding opportunities that fit with your research and help you to craft and submit a strong proposal.Quick Links Federal Funding Resources Office of Advancement Office of the ProvostAcademic

  • Notes on Design-Centered Innovation at Pacific Lutheran University Posted by: halvormj / January 26, 2018 January 26, 2018 By Michael Halvorson. Halvorson is director of Innovation Studies at Pacific Lutheran University.   Design has become an integral component of the innovation process. Leading businesses such as Amazon, Apple, Nike, Disney, Dyson, and Airbnb are all recognized for their award-winning designs that strive to communicate the benefits of products to users and meet actual

  • 2023 Environmental Studies Capstone Presentations Tuesday May 23, 2023 2:00-6:00pm in Morken 105 2:00-2:20pm, The Illegal Wildlife Trade of Tigers and Pangolins in Myanmar Makaela WhalenThe illegal wildlife trade is an issue that threatens the environment, animals, and people across the world. My project focuses on how to combat the trade of tigers and pangolins in Myanmar, specifically with the additional problems presented with the conflict and political instability in the region. Political

  • MATH 105 : Mathematics of Personal Finance - MR, NS Emphasizes financial transactions important to individuals and families: annuities, loans, insurance, interest, investment, time value of money. Prerequisite: Eligibility based on PLU Math Placement Exam, or permission of instructor. (4) MATH 107 : Mathematical Explorations - MR, NS Mathematics and modern society. Emphasis on numerical and logical reasoning. Designed to increase awareness of applications of mathematics, to enhance enjoyment of

  • Writing & EditingMarketing & Communications provides writing and editing support for print and online publications such as Resolute Magazine and Web homepage feature stories and a broad range of other publications. We support the work of many departments and organizations across campus, with major clients including the Office of Admission and the Office of Advancement. We prepare production schedules, plan story development, oversee writing assignments, direct photography and graphic design

  • About Campus Life The vision of Campus Life is to create opportunities and environments that:  inspire and cultivate joy  champion equity and justice enrich authentic growth care for wellbeing Campus Life fulfills our vision through our mission: Campus Life seeks to engage students in co-creating and sustaining radically inclusive communities of belonging, learning, and leadership — for students and the intersecting communities in which we are rooted. Campus Life creates a cohesive, intentional

  • Receptions & BreaksMore Information Please read The Basics to understand how PLU catering will work for you and your event.- Choose Receptions Category Here - Menu Links Breakfast Menu Lunch Menu Dinner Menu Dessert Menu Beverage Menu Elegant Hors D’oeuvres Elegant Hors D’oeuvres Asparagus Wrapped in Phyllo with Asiago$1.75 each | minimum 2 dozenAssorted Mini Quiche$1.25 each | minimum 2 dozenMini Spanakopita$1.00 each | minimum 2 dozenMini Pitas with Chicken Tahini Salad$1.50 each | minimum 2

  • Local Histories LTST 341 students visit the Sea Mar Museum of Chicano/a/Latino/a Culture Building Bridges of Hope and Solidarity Alternative Spring Break: US/Mexico Border Immersion Program Learn more Powerful Lectures and Events Dr. Alberto Ledesma speaks at the 3rd Annual César Chávez & Dolores Huerta Latino Studies Lecture Learn more Community Engaged Learning Tatiana Molinero Ceras volunteers in a dual immersion classroom at Harvard Elementary School Latino Studies MinorAs a Latino Studies

  • Chemistry Courses CHEM 101 : Introductory Chemistry An introduction to basic chemical principles, reactions and mathematical skills relating to chemistry. Specifically tailored to students with limited previous chemical experience or those that desire a review of these topics before taking CHEM 105/115. (1) CHEM 103 : Food Chemistry - NW Basic chemistry and the scientific method are applied to cooking, baking, and food preparation. This course includes laboratory experiences and written

  • March 27, 2008 Culinary Week features talents of master chef Italian flavors reigned supreme at PLU’s first-ever Culinary Week that featured certified master chef Ken Arnone. Hosted by Dining and Culinary Services, the week included interactive cooking sessions taught by Arnone, PLU staff and local experts, as well as a free lunch featuring authentic Italian cuisine. “We have this new facility and many new staff members, all who bring to the table different culinary talents,” said Erin McGinnis