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  • Famous flutist visits PLU this January Posted by: Mandi LeCompte / December 15, 2016 December 15, 2016 Internationally renowned flutist, Carol Wincenc, is giving a flute masterclass on Thursday, January 12 at 3:30 p.m. in the Jennie Lee Hanson Recital Hall in MBR. Wincenc, a Grammy-nominated artist, has changed the face of the flute repertoire with an extraordinary list of commissions from today’s most prominent composers. Wincenc has premiered concertos written for her by Christopher Rouse

  • Horn & Fixed Media Premiere at Octave 9 in Seattle Posted by: Reesa Nelson / October 5, 2022 October 5, 2022 Professor of Music Dr. Gina Gillie recently premiered her first electroacoustic music composition at Seattle Symphony’s Octave 9. Titled “Pale Blue Dot for solo horn and fixed media,” the piece is inspired by the 1991 photograph taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft as well as Carl Sagan’s prose reflecting on the image. In the photo, Earth appears as a single pixel – “a mote of dust

  • September 1, 2009 11:15 a.m. – Mr. MacDougall’s seventh grade language arts class “I can wait.”With those three words, silence drops on the class of Joel MacDougall ’97.The 25 students know that for every second they continue to jabber, that time will be taken from lunch break or added to the last hour of the day. When they quiet, MacDougall, 34, reviews the basic concepts of “Where the Red Fern Grows.” What is the name of the two dogs? The main character? What gave Billie the idea to buy dogs

  • September 23, 2009 ‘We were made to move’ By Chris Albert When Professor Colleen Hacker was lecturing on the psychology of marathon running, a student in the audience began to think: “I can do that.” “Being able to share what you love with someone who also loves it is one of life’s greatest joys,” Hacker said. “To me it’s the best part of being a life-long learner.” In her spare time, PLU Professor Colleen Hacker runs marathons. In her spare time, Hacker runs marathons and hikes across

  • 1950. In 1955 she graduated in nursing from Pacific Lutheran College (now PLU) and Emanuel Hospital in Portland. After college graduation Karen served as a nurse in her hometown. She then worked at Swedish Hospital in Seattle before helping to open the new University of Washington Medical Center in 1959. She was its first nurse and worked there for 30 years in clinical nursing and as head of the outpatient clinics for heart, cancer, Alzheimer’s and AIDS patients. After retirement, Karen moved back

  • Homeland Security reverses course on international student directive Posted by: Marcom Web Team / July 14, 2020 Image: Flags of nations from around the world hanging in PLU’s Anderson University Center. (Photo/John Froschauer) July 14, 2020 We are pleased that earlier today the U.S. Department of Homeland Security rescinded its July 6 policy directive that would have required international students to take in-person college courses in order to remain in the U.S.At PLU, we are deeply committed

  • Program CostTuition is based on a cohort model. Students must complete the program with their cohort to remain eligible for cohort pricing. Total Program Cost: The 2024-2026, 28-month Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate is 40 continuous semester hours from spring of 2024 to spring of 2026, with a total tuition cost of $47,760 or $1,194 per semester hour. Cost per semester credit hour: $1,194 Total Tuition: $47,760 Nursing Program Fee: $3,549 (Subject to change) Additional fees include

  • Major Purchases - $100,000 and OverFormal competitive bidding is required for purchases $100,000 and over. Some of the most common types of competitive solicitation methods, which will be referred to as “RFx”, include Request for Proposals and Request for Quotes. The Department Sponsor must consult the Procurement Office to initiate the competitive bidding process. The Procurement Manager will help the Department Sponsor determine the best method of procurement and prepare the necessary

  • Living on campus is an experience, not just an address!At PLU, we don’t call our living facilities “dorms” – residence halls are so much more! PLU provides quality on-campus living and learning environments that encourage and enhance engagement in and enjoyment of your college experience. Residential students are supported academically and socially where they make their home on-campus so they can thrive holistically while at PLU. How? Through Learning Communities (LCs)! Learning Communities

  • MATT GOULD is a recipient of the Richard Rodgers Award (2012 and 2014), The Jonathan Larson Award, and ASCAP’s Dean Kay, Harold Adamson, and Richard Rodgers Awards. His musical WITNESS UGANDA will have its west coast premiere at the Wallis Annenberg in Los Angeles. The show had its NY premier at 2econd Stage Theater and its world premiere at the American Repertory Theater at. His show Lempicka had its world premiere at Williamstown Theater Festival in 2018 and is aiming for a New York run in