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  • Seth Dowland, PhDDepartment of ReligionDigital Annotation of Student Work Seth Dowland and student reviewing grading annotations on an iPad. (PLU Photo/John Froschauer) iAnnotate App Product Website: Cost:  $9.99 Download:  iOS As an assistant professor of American religious history, Seth Dowland frequently asks his students to write essays, both for papers and exams. His classes focus primarily on Christianity in American history, though he also offers a class on

  • A. Work Practice Controls These are work procedures that apply where there is a potential for contact with blood or OPIM to prevent employees from being exposed.  Work practice controls are dependent on the type of work performed, but in all instances, these controls apply: Washing facilities are available to employees who are exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials. Employees shall wash hands after removal of personal protective gloves and whenever there is a likelihood of

  • Calendar Highlights Legacy Lutes Each fall, Pacific Lutheran University’s community expands to include fresh faces who arrive with a commitment to make the Lute family their family. But for some, they were part of the family well before calling PLU home. The Office of Alumni and Constituent Relations extends a special welcome to our Legacy Lutes – new students whose parents attended the university well before them. We recognize the extra special commitment these alumni show their alma mater, and we are

  • to locate community members who do not want to be contacted or identified by these individuals. For the safety of the community member it is important for PLU staff and faculty to maintain the privacy of the individual’s location or status. In some cases, visitors should be directed to specific departments for assistance. Inquiries about individual PLU community members may happen by phone or in person. Our response to these inquiries should be consistent and considerate of the privacy and safety

  • Borrowing and FinesYour Lutecard is your library card. When you first check out a book, our circulation staff will add a barcode to the back of your Lutecard. Visiting borrowing page for more information about borrowing periods, fines, and number of items that you can check out.Copyright and Fair useFaculty are responsible for securing necessary copyright clearances with regard to curricular materials (course reserves, classroom readings, etc). Below, you will find some resources to help guide

  • Transfer Scholarships Each year, we award more than $61 million in PLU-funded scholarships and grants. Our scholarships recognize your academic achievement, talent, leadership, and service, as well as your potential to continue all of those things as a Lute. Take a look below to see the scholarships for which you could be eligible and should apply for! *Note: Only transfer students who are pursuing their first bachelor’s degree are eligible for PLU merit scholarships.PLU Academic Scholarships

  • Tran Hoang '20, PLU student with a Chemistry major and Biochemistry emphasis Student-faculty research team (from right) Tran, Dr. Tina Saxowsky and Emily Bond '19 studied DNA mutations in summer 2018. Tran was able to participate in this career-setting research because donor funding made her participation possible. “Now I know that research is the right career path for me and that I can use it to make a difference in the world.” Tran presents her research about DNA mutations at the 2019 Dr. Rae

  • Lutheran University. But while he loved his time playing forward and center for the Lutes, he was far less certain about his initial choice of major.“Business school wasn’t a great fit,” Duncan recalled. “I had some awesome professors and I had some classes that I really loved, but then there were some that I just couldn’t get through. I wasn’t loving it, so I ended up switching to graphic design after my sophomore year.” And yet, Duncan has generated quite a buzz over the last year as a business owner

  • your housing and meal plan for the remainder of the academic year.  Students who choose to move off campus but will still be attending PLU should review the Residency Requirement to ensure they are eligible to live off campus. Students who submit a cancellation form or move off campus but are ineligible to live off campus will not have their housing and meal plan canceled and will be referred to Student Conduct. Quick Links Submit a Housing Cancellation Form PLU Residency Requirement Traditional

  • Alumni Board Letter – Resolute Online: Fall 2016 Search Features Features Welcome The Saint John’s Bible Hospitality Reformation Listen Called to PLU Women and the Holocaust On Campus Discovery Discovery Attaway Lutes Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Alumni Board Letter Bjug Harstad Day of Giving Alumni Award Winners dCenter Alumni Weekend Alumni Profiles Class Notes Class Notes Family and Friends Submit a Class Note Calendar Calendar Calendar Highlights Alumni Board