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  • February 9, 2014 Coach Justin Eckstein, left, addresses the Speech and Debate team, including Pam Barker ’14 (behind Eckstein) and David Mooney ’14 (corner of table). (Photo: John Struzenberg / PLU student) You Can’t Argue with Success PLU Speech and Debate Carries on a Tradition of Excellence By Katie Baumann ’14 At a liberal-arts college such as Pacific Lutheran University—where open dialogue is not just encouraged but expected—a healthy argument between students is a common occurrence. But

  • Pre-Vet Coursework & ExperienceThe following coursework outlined below satisfies the required and recommended courses for admission to veterinary school. Note this represents general guidelines and requirements vary from one school to the next. It is your responsibility to verify each institution’s requirements by visiting their websites. The prerequisites for the Washington State University School of Veterinary Medicine can be found here. In addition, we have included a link here to a summary

  • Pre-Vet Coursework & ExperienceThe following coursework outlined below satisfies the required and recommended courses for admission to veterinary school. Note this represents general guidelines and requirements vary from one school to the next. It is your responsibility to verify each institution’s requirements by visiting their websites. The prerequisites for the Washington State University School of Veterinary Medicine can be found here. In addition, we have included a link here to a summary

  • there any local college fairs? Where do I get computer help? Where can I find updates about the Coronavirus? Upcoming Events loading events... All Events News loading news... All News ePass Apps Bookmarks ePass Apps Gmail Banner Care Form Sakai WordPress Calendar I&TS Help Desk I&TS Bookmarked Pages Bookmark your favorite pages for quick and easy navigation throughout the site. [Load from ePass] Button: Sign into ePass and load your saved favorites. This allows you to keep your favorites for any

  • Glossary of Library Terminology This glossary will list and define a number of terms used in this guide. As you read the pages in this guide, some terms will be linked to this page to provide further details on their meaning and usage.AbstractThe part of an academic article that summarizes the contents of an article. It is usually found at the beginning of an article.Advanced searchA feature in many search engines and library databases that give you more control over your searches. Options vary

  • June 16, 2008 Developing athletes into leaders Jen Thomas ’98, ’99 wears many hats in the PLU athletic department. She’s the assistant athletic director, a senior woman administrator and assistant athletic trainer. She’s also the mentor for the Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC). The council is one of several methods the athletics department is employing to develop student leadership and more effectively connect athletic programs to the university as a whole. “We have some great leaders in

  • September 8, 2008 The ethics of torture Is it ever OK to torture someone?What if they have information that might prevent another 9-11? Or prevent a death of someone you know? And what exactly is torture?These prickly questions will be addressed at a forum sponsored by the Philosophy Department, to take place at 7 p.m., Sept. 15, at the Scandinavian Cultural Center. Pauline Kaurin, assistant professor of philosophy, and David Perry, professor of ethics at the U.S. Army War College, will debate

  • October 27, 2008 When Anchormen Attack. A look at media bias. Comments about whether Sen. Barack Obama is “black enough” or is just “an affirmative action candidate.” Remarks about Sen. Hillary Clinton’s “cleavage.” And finally political operatives chastising the mean-spirited media for harassing Gov. Sarah Palin with foreign policy questions. All these examples – and quite a few more – of how the media deals with race and gender in presidential elections will be the topic of a discussion at an

  • May 26, 2010 Campus Safety responsible for keeping small city of 4,500 safe By Barbara Clements They will give you a ride home too. New students coming to Pacific Lutheran University this fall might be thinking about classes, their roommates, their majors or just how did mom say to do the laundry again? Campus Safety Director Tony Berger and staff work 24-7 to keep the 4,500 students, faculty and staff on the PLU campus safe. Berger is standing by Jason Weaving, Operations Supervisor. But

  • September 9, 2014 PLU Highly Ranked in U.S. News & World Report’s ‘Best Colleges 2015’ Guidebook By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications U.S. News & World Report released its influential “Best Colleges 2015” guidebook Sept. 9—and Pacific Lutheran University is impressively cited three times in the Western region category, as the: •    17th best university in the Western region; •    fourth best university for veterans; and •    10th best value. U.S. News & World Report’s “Best