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  • HONORARY DEGREES AT PLUPacific Lutheran University is committed to thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership, and care in service to other persons, their communities, and the Earth. Honorary degrees celebrate and recognize distinguished persons who advance this mission in their lives, their accomplishments, and their vocations. The university solidifies its reputation as an academic institution committed to excellence by awarding honorary degrees to worthy recipients.Nominees can come from any

  • 2016 Department of Philosophy EventsThe Department of Philosophy has had an active event schedule this year. These events have spanned a wide range of philosophically interesting themes and socially relevant issues. Here are some highlights: In October, Eric Ruthford (PLU ’01) and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy Paul Menzel held a panel discussion titled “Determining the Value of Life” about beginning of life and end of life decision making. In February, the department hosted the 3rd Food

  • Rick Barot’s poem “The Galleons” is published in The New Yorker magazine… Posted by: hassonja / March 16, 2018 March 16, 2018 “The Galleons,” a poem by Rick Barot, Associate Professor of English and Director of the Rainer Writing Workshop at PLU, was published in the March 12, 2018 issue of The New Yorker magazine. This recent publication adds The New Yorker to an already impressive list of publications in which Professor Barot’s poems and essays have appeared including Poetry, The Paris Review

  • COVID-19 Updates & ResourcesHello! We hope you’ve had a great (& safe) summer filled with adventures, outdoor time, and relaxation!  School is going to be quite different this fall: hybrid/online classes, increased safety precautions, and reduced numbers of students and on-campus opportunities will make this year unlike anything we’ve experienced before.  At this point, we can share with certainty that there will be no Outdoor Rec (OR) trips during September. This decision was made with the

  • How the PLU School of Business is adapting with the times Posted by: vcraker / May 28, 2021 May 28, 2021 By Zach Powers '10PLU Marketing and CommunicationsSomaye Nargesi, a second-year business professor, came to PLU from a large research institution. She immediately noticed a stark difference in how her new institution approached the field.“At PLU, the business curriculum is mostly designed around soft skills, meaning how you build insightful inquiries, how you’re able to connect the dots

  • You can’t argue with Success Posted by: Todd / April 20, 2014 April 20, 2014 At a liberal-arts college such as Pacific Lutheran University where open dialogue is not just encouraged but expected a healthy argument between students is a common occurrence. But no one crafts strategic arguments like the Lutes of PLU’s historic Speech and Debate team. You could argue that PLU’s rich history of success in the arena of competitive debate is one of the university’s best-kept secrets: Debater Andrew

  • Quick Tips for Improving Your Sakai Site for Students Posted by: Jenna S / October 1, 2015 October 1, 2015 by Layne Nordgren Now that the semester is underway and much of the heavy lifting of creating and populating your Sakai course site is complete, perhaps you’re ready to consider some fine-tuning to improve your course site for students. One option to consider would be to review your course using the Quality Matters Rubric Standards checklist, but that may take more time than you have to

  • Welcoming First Cohort: Sarah Johnston Posted by: Catherine Chan / May 20, 2020 Image: Sarah Johnston (Photo provided by Sarah) May 20, 2020 Sarah Johnston has a passion for helping people to live their best lives both physically and mentally.She shares about how her life goals changed over the years at PLU, and what she looks forward to learning in the MSK program. What is one fun fact about yourself? I have a sister that is 6 years older than me, but people think we are twins. What inspired

  • Harpsichord Donated to PLU Music Program Posted by: Reesa Nelson / February 16, 2021 February 16, 2021 We are grateful to the family of Jeanette Pilgrim, who donated her personal harpsichord to the Music Department. This unique instrument constructed by Kenneth Bakeman in 1980 has two keyboards and a pedal division with painted motifs on the lid and soundboard. Instruments built by Bakeman are uncommon as he built them for only a short period of time. This particular harpsichord has a lower

  • March 2, 2014 PLU’s High School Programming Contest Clicks Into Overdrive Students compete at PLU’s fourth annual High School Programming Contest on Feb. 1. (Photo: John Struzenberg ’15) By Sandy Deneau Dunham PLU Marketing & Communications PLU’s inaugural High School Programming Contest, in 2011, drew 32 student competitors from five schools—not bad at all. But … to get to 32, event organizer Kenneth Blaha, Professor of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, sent emails to everyone in the