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  • 2016 NWACC Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies Posted by: nordgrle / December 15, 2016 December 15, 2016 Each year the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium (NWACC), a group of 33 northwest colleges and universities, sponsors an Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies. The award recognizes faculty members and instructional technologists at member institutions for work demonstrating effective design, development, integration, and/or support of instructional technology

  • Technology & Innovation Management Earn a Post-Baccalaureate Professional Business Certificate at PLU in Technology & Innovation Management. More Information The post- baccalaureate professional business certificates are intended for those who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding in a specific area of business.  Applicants must have either completed an undergraduate degree in Business or have relevant industry experience in the area of study. Each certificate consists of eight credits and

  • September 1, 2009 9 a.m. – Assistant Principal Heinen’s office Tad Heinen ’96 spends plenty of his time disciplining students. That’s part of the job. Not the part he enjoys, but he sees himself as what troubled students need to get through another year. Although many students have heard his message over and over again, for many, it just hasn’t clicked yet.“We don’t want you to go down the wrong path,” he tells those students. In his office, Heinen tries to display pieces of his personality

  • May 15, 2014 Furry Therapy: ASPLU Brings Pets Back to PLU to Relieve Test Stress PLU student Maylen Anthony ’16 gets a kiss from Addy the therapy dog during finals week in December 2013. ASPLU will bring more pets to campus for Spring finals week, May 19-23. (Photo: John Froschauer/PLU) PLU Marketing & Communications To spread cheer and relieve stress during Finals Week, Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran University is again partnering with volunteer organizations, including Therapy Dogs

  • PolicyPurpose: Peer review fosters a continuous learning culture, development and sharing of best practices in teaching, and is consistent with professional accountability and self-regulation associated with the practice of nursing. In recognition that teaching is a dynamic and ongoing process, the PLU School of Nursing uses peer review to encourage open feedback and ongoing development of all instructors teaching didactic and/or clinical courses. Peer Review Frequency Requirements and

  • WISHA/DOSH requires employers to perform an exposure determination to identify workers who have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. Occupational exposure means “reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious material that may result from the performance of an employee’s duties.” At PLU, those employed in the following departments will often have a higher risk of exposure to bloodborne

  • Psychology Student Research Conference Psychology Student Research Conference May 18, 2023 4:00-6:30 pm Rieke Science Center – Lobby Download the programSession 1: 4:00-4:45 p.m.“Emotional Regulation Effects on Mental Well-Being” Amber R. Shisler “Perceptions of Script-Consistent and Script-Divergent Events Across Ethnicities” Stephanie Aparicio Zambrano and Elena Schmidt “The Effects of Body Posture and Environmental Sound on Creativity”* Jenna L. Hamilton & Mel N. Wheeler “Mixed Messages in

  • Take Back The Tap In 2008, a student led initiative brought awareness about saving money by consuming tap water. In association with GREAN, RHA and other groups across campus, Environmental Services brought about “Bring Back the Tap,” an initiative encouraging students to purchase plastic Nalgene bottles and use tap water, cutting down on the amount of recycled plastic that goes through our school or some that finds its way into the trash. Since its inception, TBTT has been a great success, and

  • Dear JED Campus Community, Recent events in Ukraine have created a great amount of concern and uncertainty around the world and on the campuses we work with, especially for faculty, staff and students who have direct ties to and/or family members in the region.  We are writing to express our condemnation of the violence in Ukraine and our solidarity with those who are suffering as a result.  This is an uncertain situation and we do not know how events will unfold over the coming weeks and

  • Digital Phone and Voice Mail Reference Guide (pdf) view download Reference guide for basic features of your digital telephone and voice mail