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  • feels privileged to work with a talented team of communicators. “I have loved watching the communications team blossom and grow,” she says. She’s had a variety of roles supporting internal and external communications needs, including web design, graphic design, social media and web and document accessibility projects. Read our full profile of Kate Hall. Lute Powered: AmazonLute Powered: MultiCare Health SystemLute Powered: City of Tacoma Read Previous Kate Hall ’17 builds connections, serves

  • that mentorship and that consistency throughout the years.” Today, Saucedo keeps busy with her work at the Mayo Clinic. She also has big dreams to one day start her own wellness coaching company specifically for healthcare workers.  “I really love mindfulness, and journaling, and meditation,” Saucedo said. “So, I’m really hoping to start a business where I can specifically work with new nurses to really formulate a practice that is encompassing to self-care and promoting health not only with their

  • Terri Card ’83 leads with care as COO of outpatient operations for MultiCare Behavioral Health COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS A family with a “Bjug” legacy of giving and service September 27, 2024 PLU hosts the 14th Annual Lutheran Studies Conference: Celebrating Cecelia Svinth Carpenter, Indigenous education and tribal sovereignty September 23, 2024 PLU

  • recalled how the 1992 election was quite like this one. “Quite frankly it was the candidate,” Eastman said about Bill Clinton. It was the first time that the issues of young voters were being addressed in a national election and they were being asked “What do you care about?,” Eastman said. This election brings that same sort of excitement from young people about being part of the process, he said. At PLU there have been several forums to discuss candidates and issues. Students have been engaged and

  • . He earned a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering, but shifted gears and earned his master’s degree in higher education administration at the University of Kansas before arriving at PLU. “What sealed it for me to come work at PLU was, and still is, the students,” he said. “The students at PLU take the mission to heart and care for each other in a way that I never saw at the previous universities that I worked at or attended.” About 85 percent of first-year students live on campus — so there

  • summer months and improving the livelihoods of those who live in urban areas.The team consisting of Dalen Todorov ’23, Elijah Paez ’24, Autumn Johansen ’23, and Zoee Kooser ’22 began distributing trees near the Tacoma Mall before moving into the Parkland area. “The reason that it is so important to focus on areas like Parkland is that there are significant disparities in tree canopy cover when it comes to race and income demographics,” environmental studies major Paez said. “Poor health is correlated

  • serious medical attention, his plans changed. With his wife living in B.C. and the high cost of health care in the United States, Drews decided to return to Canada. He received a stem cell treatment in 2003 and has had several major relapses since his original diagnosis. The most recent relapse occurred while he was studying at PLU. “I was a little concerned if I could make it through the program because of my health. You’re gambling here. What if you get hit by a major relapse?” Drews said. “And I

  • available to him. One of those applications included a position at Netflix, the popular streaming service based out of Los Gatos, California. “I was like ‘I’m definitely not going to get this,’ but I was doing the shotgun approach, so I really didn’t care,” Ronquillo said. About a week later he received a notification that his resume had been processed and he was invited to take a technical assessment. One application and many hoops later, Ronquillo was hired at Netflix as a user experience developer

  • opportunity to impact the lives of others by offering support and care at their most vulnerable moments, she said. “It’s kind of what keeps me going.” Read Previous “Overexposed: The Cost of Compassion” Read Next ‘Porgy and Bess’ COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS A family with a “Bjug” legacy of giving and service September 27, 2024 PLU hosts the 14th Annual

  • paradigm that rewards institutions that prioritize high-paying professional fields such as engineering, computer science, and the health sciences. The study also suggests that colleges who are able to recruit students with extraordinarily high school test scores and grade point averages often receive more credit than they deserve for their contributions to the professional success of their graduates. As the column points out, high test scores and grade point averages reflect high intelligence and a