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  • Associate Professor of Philosophy Pauline Shanks Kaurin``Advocacy``Guests: Associate Professor of Religion Kevin O’Brien and Clinical Assistant Professor of Communication Justin Eckstein``Climate``Guests: Associate Professor of Biology Michael Behrens and Assistant Professor of Politics and Government Kaitlyn Sill Read Previous PLU Scholarship Awards Full Tuition to Eligible 253 Area Code Students Read Next Media Student Serves and Learns Simultaneously COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the

  • By Michael Halvorson, Professor of History. Welcome to our blog—the place for learning everything about History at Pacific Lutheran University! Today’s post is about PLU History major Michael Diambri ‘18 , a Lute who graduated in May with a B.A. in History along with minors…

    gay liberation movement in Greenwich Village Diambri had previously published a review of the book Queer Clout: Chicago and The Rise of Gay Politics, by Timothy Stewart-Winter, which he sent along to the awards committee along with a description of his Benson Summer Research Fellowship and Severtson project. Michael credits his work with PLU faculty members Jenny James (English), Gina Hames (History), Beth Kraig (History), and Jennifer Cavalli (History) for his intellectual growth at PLU, as well

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 17, 2016)- MediaLab at Pacific Lutheran University, the multimedia, applied research organization that celebrates 10 years of success this fall, counts more than 200 students as participants throughout the decade. Those participants are invited to mark the organization’s milestone anniversary Nov. 5…

    Media Studies, will support continued MediaLab research, scholarship and program improvements. Housed within the School of Arts and Communication’s Center for Media Studies, MediaLab is a group of students who work in pre-professional settings, contracting with external clients in Tacoma, Seattle and beyond. In addition to performing fee-for-service work, student teams over the years also have created more than a dozen award-winning documentaries, providing excellent opportunities for PLU students

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 14, 2016)- Pacific Lutheran University will host a celebration of life for Tom Pfeifle on Sept. 22 in Lagerquist Concert Hall at 6 p.m. Pfeifle died Aug. 29, just before he planned to return to PLU for his sophomore year. Following the…

    Recreation, as well as the cross country and track and field teams. A memory wall is on display in Olson, and will eventually make its way to the Anderson University Center, for Lutes to share memories of Pfeifle. Jane Pfeifle wrote a beautiful tribute to her son for The Mast, PLU’s student newspaper. And members of student media created a Tumblr to collect memories electronically. They also plan to join ASPLU, Campus Ministry and Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) to create a multimedia memorial

  • disciplines and industries come together to discuss the implications of drone technology in a rapidly changing society. Drones pose the potential to radically shift the current landscapes in media, politics, law, commerce, intelligence gathering, military operations, law enforcement, and other prominent industries and disciplines. The way that these shifts pose challenges to the current working order is referred to as “disruptive innovation.” We believe that all disruptive innovations should be studied

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 1, 2016)- Bryanna Plog ’10 seems to have done it all in her years after Pacific Lutheran University – teaching English abroad in Colombia, writing books about travel and interning for a conservation nonprofit. But now, she says, serving as a park…

    .” Bryanna Plog '10 aboard the M/V Ushauia during her J-Term study away program in Antarctica. (Photo courtesy of Plog) That commitment to versatility landed her with several organizations on campus, including multiple years in student media writing for The Mast and working with a club called Progress – which helped raise money for the Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital in Tacoma. Plog worked in media services at the library all four years at PLU and as a sojourner advocate for the Wang Center for Global

  • word “freedom” that goes far beyond race and politics. Oakman will read  a series of related quotes from Duke Ellington, Martin Luther, and Martin Luther King Jr. and incorporate words Ellington wrote as part of the Sacred Concerts. Tickets for the concert can be purchased online, over the phone (253-535-7411) and at the door: $8 general admission, $5 senior citizen and alumni, free for PLU & 18 and younger. The is the third event in the 2017 SOAC Focus Series on Re-Forming. The SOAC FOCUS Series

  • TACOMA, Wash. (Aug. 31, 2015)—Pacific Lutheran University has been closely connected to the Scandinavian world—and to the local Scandinavian community—since its founding by Norwegian Bjug Harstad in 1890. These days, PLU’s Nordic roots are reflected across campus: in building names, artwork, Scandinavian Area Studies programs…

    opening reception on Sept. 26) It’s a huge opportunity—literally—to showcase PLU: The exhibition is anchored by five 5-by-8-foot canvas tapestries displaying photos from eras of PLU’s history. Each banner is accompanied by a plaque with information about each era, and separate panels chronicle the evolution of Lutheran education in the Pacific Northwest and at PLU specifically. The exhibition also includes maps, interactive media and selected historic items from PLU’s Archives. SCC Director Elisabeth

  • TACOMA, WASH. (Oct. 14, 2016)- Laurel Minter, a Los Angeles-based, award-winning screenwriter and film director, will offer a beginners’ screenwriting workshop at PLU later this month. The workshop will educate students on how to craft screenplays using tools that most professional screenwriters use. The focus…

    . “It will be really helpful because there are not really a lot of resources on campus to help people with screenwriting,” said Emily Khilfeh, Showrunners’ head writer and director of photography. “I am really excited to learn about it. It is really different than other kinds of writing.” Showrunners at PLU, now in its fourth year, is a recent addition to the Center for Media Studies, located within the School of Arts and Communication. Showrunners, a student-run program focusing on quality TV

  • By Damian Alessandro ’19 The Innovation Studies program at Pacific Lutheran University is interested in the diverse environments innovation can be found in, including the entertainment industry. The popularity of HBO’s blockbuster show, Game of Thrones, highlights an important place to study innovation principles. Spoiler…

    audiences. Weiss and Benioff offered a series which, much like The Wire, was trying to tell a sociological story instead of a psychological one. Rather than being concerned solely with individual characters and their struggles in a small environment, Game of Thrones would tell the story of several characters spread out across different continents, exploring the facets of the society that shaped them. Game of Thrones was the right show in a wrong time; a decade where politics became increasingly