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  • -walled laboratory at the Rieke Science Center on lower campus. Rebuilding the north side of Rieke to support the unique device – including Professor Dean Waldow’s “science on display” glass enclosure – brought the NMR cost to more than $1 million, all of which was paid for by sources outside the university. Eventually, the group sees not only students using the machine for student-faculty research, but local community and four-year colleges bringing samples over as well. The chemistry faculty members

  • , then he heard about the second plane. He hopped on one of the last trains to make it near Ground Zero and was near the centers as the first tower imploded and fell. He watched as people, including the mayor and his entourage, flee from the dust cloud, “Their command center had been destroyed,” he said. People opened up shops to get their colleagues out of the dust, and offered up water and food free of charge. “I saw New York at its best,” he said. He was soon asked to have his agency lead the

  • finally, last fall, it was time to publish his own version and views of events during the Iraqi War. “It was time to honor the sacrifices the vets and the medical personal made during that war,” he said. Read Previous Outdoor Rec Read Next Center Stage COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS PLU move-in day 2024 September 4, 2024 PLU Director of Athletics and

  • present his final lecture, titled “Hitler’s Pink Victims: Robert Oelbermann and the Persecution of Homosexuals in Nazi Germany,” April 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Scandinavian Cultural Center. The inspiration for the lecture started in 1996, when Torvend visited the Holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. As a part of the permanent exhibit, visitors receive an identity card of someone killed during the Holocaust and Torvend got Oelbermann. “He was a naturalist, a filmmaker and was a director of a youth group

  • series, titled “A World of Difference,” explores issues of diversity, including gender, race, immigration and social class. The first two segments, about immigration and gender, will screen at 4 p.m. on Feb. 17 at the Seattle Central Public Library, 1000 Fourth Ave. in Seattle. The other two portions of the series will premiere in Tacoma later this spring. “A World of Difference” was jointly sponsored and supported by PLU’s School of Arts and Communication, the Wang Center for Global Education and

  • Lutheran University. But while he loved his time playing forward and center for the Lutes, he was far less certain about his initial choice of major.“Business school wasn’t a great fit,” Duncan recalled. “I had some awesome professors and I had some classes that I really loved, but then there were some that I just couldn’t get through. I wasn’t loving it, so I ended up switching to graphic design after my sophomore year.” And yet, Duncan has generated quite a buzz over the last year as a business owner

  • in Denver, the Fairmont Hotel in Dubai, the Swarovski store at Rockefeller Center in New York City and at architectural landmarks such as the Stahl House in Los Angeles and the Farnsworth House outside of Chicago. And every Modern Christmas Tree, everywhere in the world, bears Stoecker’s signature engraved on its base. “The credit goes to him,” Bliss said. “My goal is to show my grandfather’s contribution to the design world. There would be no tree without him.” Read Previous Pacific Lutheran

  • .  Our campus partners offer services that show our care for the whole student, not just their academics. Here are a few resources that you might find handy during your time with us. Accessibility and Accommodation Bedbugs: What you need to know Campus Ministry Campus Safety Alumni & Student Connections Counseling, Health & Wellness Services Center for Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability Suicide Prevention Resources Application for Accessibility and Accommodations Emergency Preparedness/Response

  • obligations under state, local, or other federal laws.   Taken from Department of Education/Office of Civil Rights,”Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence.” April,2014. What if I do not want my experience reported to PLU?Utilize the confidential resources on campus, who are not required to report incidents to University authorities: Confidential Advocate Magdalena Stickel in the Center for DJS Pastor Jen Rude in Campus Ministry Counseling Services Health Services TimelyCare Wellness

  • Hall of Fame Inductees by Year  The purpose of the Athletics Hall of Fame is to honor and preserve the memory of those athletes, coaches, athletic staff members, and others who have contributed in an outstanding and positive way to the promotion of the Pacific Lutheran University athletic program. Stay tuned for the 34th induction class.The Pacific Lutheran University athletic department inducted eight individuals into the Athletics Hall of Fame on Saturday, April 6 as members of the 33rd