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  • Calendar Featured Stories Welcome No question is unasked. No field of discovery unexplored. More than five centuries ago, Martin Luther disrupted the status quo by calling for open, accessible education for youth of all genders and socioeconomic strata. Bishop Rick Jaech outlines how PLU is living the Lutheran tradition. Read More Bring Your Whole Self Lutheran higher education asks students to ponder the big questions as they learn to appreciate and embrace differences. Take a deeper look at how

  • Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are the average GPA and GRE scores for admitted students for the ELMSN pathway?Average Cum. GPA: 3.4-3.6 Average Prerequisite GPA: 3.5-4.0 Please note: The GRE is now optional Average GREs of admitted students before GRE requirement change: Verbal: 155 (145-165) Quantitative: 153 (145-161) Analytical Writing: 4.5 (3.5-5.5) What are the grade and timeline requirements for the prerequisite courses?Minimum grade of 3.0/‘B’ in each course: Human Anatomy & Physiology I

  • January 18, 2008 PLU archaeologist uncovers Egypt’s secrets In high school, Lisa Vlieg ’07 told her friends that one day they’d see her on the Discovery Channel. While her dream has yet to come true, the recent graduate may be one step closer after spending five weeks this fall in Egypt’s famed Valley of the Kings. Vlieg accompanied Faculty Fellow Don Ryan ’79 and his team to the ancient burial ground for the seventh field season of the Pacific Lutheran University Valley of the Kings Project

  • September 3, 2009 New Chemistry department instrument will help students and profs probe world of the atom It looks like a rather fat, squat water heater. But to the students and professors gathered around it – or, more accurately, the computer that transmits readouts from it, the machine is pure magic. It is called a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, or NMR. Today, the students from Professor Neal Yakelis’ organic chemistry lab are trying to figure out the structure of an unknown

  • November 12, 2012 A group of nine Computer Science and Computer Engineering students competed at an international computer programming competition Nov. 3. Team sets sights on next year By Jesse Major ’14 A group of nine Computer Science and Computer Engineering students competed at an international computer programming competition Nov. 3. First time competitor, Ben Landes ’14, described the Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest as “sports for nerds

  • MBA to CFO MBA to CFO 1024 532 Genny Boots '18 Genny Boots '18 September 12, 2018 October 3, 2018 A lot of Anna Loomis’ work happens behind the scenes. Just ask her children. “If you ask my kids, all I do is go to meetings,” Loomis ’14 joked. And they aren’t totally wrong. Loomis has shouldered a lot of

  • By:Genny Boots '18 September 12, 2018 0 MBA to CFO 1024 532 Genny Boots '18 Genny Boots '18 September 12, 2018 October 3, 2018 MBA to CFO A lot of Anna Loomis’ work happens behind the scenes. Just ask her children. “If you ask my kids, all I do is go to meetings,” Loomis ’14 joked. And they aren’t totally

  • of her — a desire to pursue a career where she helps others needing medical care. “I would always interact with the patients and they really enjoyed it too,” Ramirez said. “ Since then, I had it in the back of my head that I maybe wanted to do something like that, to help people” At first, Ramirez wanted to be a doctor, but admits that idea quickly changed after taking a chemistry class during J-Term from professor Dr. Andrea Munro. “I originally came in thinking I wanted to do pre-med, so that’s

  • Procedures of Assessing Different Kinds of Significant Learning: Some Possibilities Printable pdfLearning How to LearnCaringHuman DimensionIntegrationApplicationFoundational KnowledgeLearning How to LearnThis learning is focused on preparing students to continue learning about a particular topic or subject after the course is over and even after they finish college. Possible Assessment Procedures: Learning Assignments: Assign students to learn something new on their own; In an essay, they

  • following are an area of interest: Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science/Computer Engineering, Engineering Dual Degree Program, Math, Music, Nursing, or Physics. General Education at PLU The PLU Core First-Year Experience Program FYEP 101: Thematic Writing Seminar FYEP 102: Discipline-Based DJS Seminar PLUS 100: Transitions to PLU January Term Residency The Academic Study of Religion Fitness and Wellness Global Engagement The Distributive Core: Ways of Being and Knowing Students take one course