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  • Watermark Scholars Scholarship Posted by: nicolacs / April 16, 2021 April 16, 2021 Watermark is offering women in STEM scholarships for the fall 2021 academic term to provide much-needed support for college students pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM)-related studies and careers. Two students will be selected from the pool of applicants, and awardees will each receive $5,000 to help continue their education. The deadline to submit entries is July 15, 2021, and

  • ACS Puget Sound Section Awards and Scholarships Posted by: alemanem / December 6, 2021 December 6, 2021 The ACS Puget Sound Section awards two $1500 4-year college student scholarships (the Julia Ann Rutherford Memorial Scholarship) each year. Application deadline is March 1st. The ACS Puget Sound Section also awards ACS Student Affiliate Chapter Grants For Activities and/or Travel Up to $500 each year.  A request must be submitted to the Education Committee with details well in advance of the

  • Chinese Studies backgrounds to serve on their staffs. Education and Academia Chinese Studies is an expanding academic area from K-12 to the university level. Teaching and research opportunities will expand to meet a global need for trained China specialists. Government Imagine yourself as a diplomat or on staff at a United States embassy or consulate in China, or as a liaison officer in Taiwan. State and Commerce Department positions are increasing locally and nationally as our relations with this

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts Design Bachelor of Arts Art History Studio Arts Bachelor of Arts in Communication Film & Media Studies Strategic Communication Minors Art History Communication Publishing and Printing Arts Studio Arts Students pursuing a BFA in Design or BA in Studio Arts may minor in Art History, but not in Studio Arts, which is a minor reserved for non-majors. DegreesMajors in all CMDA degrees are urged to follow course sequences closely. It is recommended that students interested in

  • A view-at-the-table with the Federal Reserve Posted by: tpotts / July 13, 2021 July 13, 2021 The Department of Economics was honored to host First Vice President and COO, San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, Mark Gould, PLU Regent and Economics alumnus, to campus on April 8th, 2021. Mr. Gould shared his experiences in Federal Open Market Committee meetings where the monetary policy for The Federal Reserve Bank was set. The event, which was hosted over Zoom and open to the public, was well

  • 1. Demonstrate the ability to incorporate the dimensions of person, nursing, and environment to promote health in a variety of nursing situations. 2. Provide evidence-based clinically competent care of individuals, families, and communities in a variety of settings across diverse populations. 3. Enact the role of service as a professionally educated member of society. 4. Employ principles of ethical leadership, quality improvement, and cost effectiveness to foster the development and initiation

  • School of Nursing Program Outcomes Demonstrate the ability to incorporate the dimensions of person, nursing, and environment to promote health in a variety of nursing situations. Provide evidence-based clinically competent care of individuals, families, and communities in a variety of settings across diverse populations. Enact the role of service as a professionally educated member of society. Employ principles of ethical leadership, quality improvement, and cost effectiveness to foster the

  • Here are some alternative resources and sites that the DSS feels would help support our vision to provide students with positive and reasonable accommodations in accordance with ADA guidelines. Office of Civil Rights OCR – Information on disability rights, case law and resources for any disability grievances Association on Higher Education and Disability AHEAD – News, articles and standards of practice for students, parents, faculty and DSS professionals Disabilities, Opportunities, Internet

  • “Religious Dialogue and Three Cups of Tea: Listen, Respect, Connect” Imam Jamal Rahman, P. Ingram Lecturer, Interfaith Sufi Leader, Greater Seattle Area 7:00 pm | Thursday, March 5th | Scandinavian Cultural Center Free and Open to the Public As part of the 9th Biennial Wang Center Symposium “Disarming Polarization: Navigating Conflict and Difference” the Religion department invites you to the 2020 Paul O. Ingram lecture. Wang Center Symposium: Disarming PolarizationMore Information about Imam

  • Problematic phone calls of any type (obscene, harassing, threatening, etc.) will be handled directly through the Campus Safety Director’s Office.  The Campus Safety Director will determine the security issues involved and decide if a search of PLU’s call records is needed.  A request is then submitted directly to the PLU Telecommunications Office.  Any information obtained about the telephone incident is considered highly confidential and reported only to the Campus Safety Director for