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  • May 18, 2009 Off to China Blending the Chinese tale of Monkey with an original musical composition comes natural for PLU Music Professor Greg Youtz. The guy is not only a well-respected composer, but learning about and engaging the Chinese culture is a passion of his. “My head is constantly full of China,” he said about a love of a culture that began nearly 25 years ago and has since included many trips to the country. Getting a chance to take PLU music students to China is a perfect blend of

  • September 1, 2009 11:20 a.m. – Cascade Middle School Cafeteria Scott Weide ’00 sticks out in the lunchroom. As students fill the large cafeteria, Weide wanders into the school wearing shorts and a PLU T-shirt. On his back in a toddler carrier is 10-month old Zoe. She has dad’s smile. She couldn’t be happier to make an appearance at school. Although the biology teacher is on paternity leave, Weide and his daughter make the trip to school for lunch everyday. They have a recycling program to run

  • January 14, 2010 Uganda Blog: Second entry By Theodore Charles ’12 After two days of nerve wracking delays and cancellations, we have finally left PLU. Our original itinerary included going to London, having one day of respite, and then progressing to Uganda directly. What really happened was a last minute change for our group to fly to San Francisco, Amsterdam, Kenya, and then finally Uganda. “More last minute changes were made as we all sat on the ground with our fingers crossed, and

  • November 29, 2011 Ted Charles’ cool internship: Mt. Rainier National Park By Steve Hansen When the director of cultural anthropological services at Mt. Rainier National Park came to PLU to speak to his anthropology class last fall, Ted Charles ’12 had an idea: He loves anthropology and he loves the outdoors. Maybe he could combine the two? After class, he asked the speaker if there were any summer internships available. There were. So Charles kept in contact. So did his professor, Bradford

  • June 12, 2013 It is not too late to decide where you will study away this January Tibet 2012, submitted by Evan Koepfler It may be summer, but it is never too late to start thinking about January Term 2014 – particularly, where you want to study away. The Wang Center for Global Education has extended its deadlines to make it easier to apply. Of the 25 dynamic faculty-led study-away programs offered this January, more than 15 international programs – including those in Antarctica and Argentina

  • Letterpress Printmaking Class at PLUElliott PressThe Elliott Press is a small private press located in the PLU arts building, Ingram Hall. The Press provides hands-on workshops for students in the Publishing & Printing Arts program. Founded in 1982, the Elliott Press marked its 40th Anniversary in 2022. The Elliott Press features two platen letterpresses from the early 1900s and a Vandercook proof press from the early 1960s, as well as several small, portable parlor presses, including Baby

  • Alumni News Homecoming Highlights Awards Recognition Alumni Profiles Alumni Events Class Notes Calendar Home Alumni News Alumni Awards & Recognition (Photo: John Froschauer) Mike Burton '69 +Enlarge Photo  Mike Burton ’69 Distinguished Alumnus Award For his years of dedication and service in education, including unprecedented contributions to forensics and college-football officiating. Read Full Bio (Photo: Kali Raisl) Marissa Meyer ’04 +Enlarge Photo  Marissa Meyer ’04 Outstanding Recent Alumna

  • Tricia Hasbrook ’93 ‹ Resolute Online: Fall 2015 Home Features King Harald V 125 Objects Black and Gold All-Star Attaways Editor’s Note On Campus Discovery Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Homecoming 2015 Alumni Awards & Recognition dCenter Alumni Weekend Outcomes Campaign Alumni Profiles Class Notes Submit a Class Note Calendar Home Features King Harald V 125 Objects Black and Gold All-Star Attaways Editor’s Note On Campus Discovery Research Grants Accolades Lute

  • Blogs Alumni News Homecoming Highlights Awards Recognition Alumni Profiles Alumni Events Class Notes Calendar Home Alumni News Alumni Awards & Recognition (Photo: John Froschauer) Mike Burton '69 +Enlarge Photo  Mike Burton ’69 Distinguished Alumnus Award For his years of dedication and service in education, including unprecedented contributions to forensics and college-football officiating. Read Full Bio (Photo: Kali Raisl) Marissa Meyer ’04 +Enlarge Photo  Marissa Meyer ’04 Outstanding Recent

  • Credits ‹ Resolute Online: Spring 2015 Home Features Germany J-Term Women’s Center at 25 Jehane Noujaim It’s On Us Attaway Lutes Editor’s Note On Campus Discovery Research Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Alumni Profiles Homecoming 2015 Twin Cities ‘Waste Not’ Seattle Connections Easter Egg Hunt Night at the Rainiers Alumni Events Class Notes Family and Friends Submit a Class Note Calendar Home Features Germany J-Term Women’s Center at 25 Jehane Noujaim It’s On Us Attaway Lutes Editor’s