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  • Learning With Our Neighbors“I’ve never been here before,” a student told me in June 2014 as my Christian Ethics class walked to the community garden at Trinity Lutheran Church.  I asked what she meant — the garden or the church?  Both, it turned out.  Indeed, she had never set foot in a garden in her life, and while she’d walked by the church across the street from campus a number of times, she’d never been inside or on the grounds. This experience and many others like it have convinced me that

  • by her husband and many other friends at PLU who knew her. Steve Skramstad Steve Skramstad, PLU senior graphic designer, passed away in May. Beloved by his Marketing & Communications team, University Relations and colleagues across campus, Steve was hired at PLU 20 years ago. Colleagues say Steve loved to stay up to date with industry design trends and relished working with his collaborative partners across campus. Steve played a crucial role in crafting and modernizing PLU’s visual brand

  • by her husband and many other friends at PLU who knew her. Steve Skramstad Steve Skramstad, PLU senior graphic designer, passed away in May. Beloved by his Marketing & Communications team, University Relations and colleagues across campus, Steve was hired at PLU 20 years ago. Colleagues say Steve loved to stay up to date with industry design trends and relished working with his collaborative partners across campus. Steve played a crucial role in crafting and modernizing PLU’s visual brand

  • Employee Mandatory Reporting Responsibilities Under Title IXPLU employees – whether faculty, administrators, or staff – are obligated to report incidents of sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, and sexual misconduct of which they become aware. This obligation extends to all of us (except those entities who are considered confidential reporting sources) because of the University’s responsibility under Title IX to respond promptly and effectively to: + Stop the conduct + Prevent its re

  • New Design Research Lab Opens The Department of Art & Design is proud to announce the creation of the Design Research Lab in Ingram Hall. A student-led project supported by faculty member Samer Fouad, Visiting Assistant Professor of Design, the space includes a design library, work tables, a printer, and… November 8, 2021 2D art3D artdrawingFaculty

  • On Exhibit: Women in Translation Posted by: Julie Babka / August 12, 2022 August 12, 2022 August is Women in Translation (WIT) Month; a time to highlight some of the incredible translated writings by women from around the globe. Only 30% of women who write and publish in languages other than English are translated in the U.S. and only 36% of books translated into English are from non-European countries (Women in Translation, 2022). WIT month hopes to make changes to these numbers by celebrating

  • Stuart Gavidia ’24 majored in computer science while interning at Amazon, Cannon, and Pierce County Stuart Gavidia is a first generation Latino student and spent most of his life in Lakewood and then Spanaway, about 10 minutes from PLU, and he knew he wanted to come here for college, so he could remain close to his family. From an early… June 13, 2024 AcademicsComputer ScienceInternshipsInvolvement

  • Military DependentsDependents of active duty military members using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® benefits may be eligible for FREE tuition at PLU. Eligibility: Information provided by U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Family members must be enrolled in the Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS) and be eligible for benefits at the time of transfer to receive transferred benefits.The option to transfer is open to any member of the armed forces active duty or Selected Reserve

  • Thank you for supporting Lute Football! Q&A with Coach Brant McAdamsWhat are some highlights of this year that shows your team succeeding, facing a challenge, and supporting each other? The death of a teammate and persisting through together. A terminal diagnosis of a coach before the season and his death two weeks after the season. The excitement on the sideline of “The Trophy Game” vs UPS. Winning the new trophy in its inaugural year of the historic rivalry. What makes your student-athletes

  • Entrance Requirements In evaluating applications, the Office of Admission interprets grade point average and class rank in relation to the quality of the curriculum that the applicant has pursued in high school. A standard high school program in preparation for college should include the following: English: four years Mathematics: three years: (algebra, two years; and geometry, one year) World Language: two years Social Studies: two years Laboratory Sciences: two years Fine, Visual, or