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  • and domestic partner rights in the open with an educational display and an opportunity to speak out at the club’s program “We Matter: Think Before You Vote” last Tuesday in the UC. It was the mission of the club to not only educate people about what the presidential candidates believed, but also the laws in each state – from inclusive to exclusive – and ballot measures that will affect the homosexual community. “There’s a lot of animosity and energy about this election,” said Dmitry Mikheyev, club

  • encouraged to attend. The program concludes with Thompson’s keynote address. Sessions addressing a variety of food related issues begin at 11 a.m., Feb. 21. An array of students and faculty, as well a numerous local and national experts, will present on a variety of topics, including how to know what goes into your food, pragmatism and meat production, and food passions. Some of the presenters include, Holly Foster, owner of Zestful Gardens, who will talk about a life in organic farming, Joe Markholt, a

  • take on projects that improve public health and reduce disease. “We feel there’s plenty of water, we just need to capture it and use it correctly,” McKenney said. McKenney highlighted three of their current projects in Oaxaca, Mexico in his discussion Friday morning. The projects include building 8,000-gallon rainwater catchment systems as part of a rainwater harvesting program in the Bravo Ahuja district of Oaxaca, creating a wetland for sewage treatment in Santo Domingo Barrio Bajo Etla, and

  • II. Laura then was admitted to the Ph.D. program at the University of North Carolina and is studying under former PLU professor, Christopher Browning. She continued to work on the Kindertransport during the first phase of her work at UNC. As indicated in this report, she is now doing research for her Ph.D. dissertation in Prague, and she will give a presentation on her research next summer in Israel. A Ph.D. candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Laura Brade is spending the

  • like and how to make yourself stand out in a pile of resumes. “This is a great way for students to learn from people who hold jobs that we aspire to have and how to get there ourselves,” said Amanda Brasgalla, MediaLab General Manager. The event consisted of questions prompted by two MediaLab moderators, Valery Jorgensen and Sam Horn, as well as a question-and-answer session. MediaLab Presents, hosted by MediaLab, an applied internship and research program through the School of Arts and

  • +Enlarge Photo Craig Hamilton ’82 Heritage Award In recognition of his many years of exceptional service to the university and PLU tennis program. Read Full Bio (Photo: Sam Hosman) Lauren Peterson '14 +Enlarge Photo Lauren Peterson ’14 Brian C. Olson Student Leadership Award For her potential for a lifelong commitment to the university and alumni association. Read Full Bio Supplemental Issue RESOLUTE is Pacific Lutheran University's flagship magazine, published twice a year, with an extra online-only

  • China and the international community could do to stop it. March 5 “Goooooooooolllll!!!… Sports Can be More than Just a Passion” Keynote Speaker: Jaime Méndez News Anchor (Spanish Language), KUNS-Univisión Seattle Jaime Méndez serves as an anchor/reporter for the newscast Noticias Noroeste on KUNS 51/Univision Seattle, a thirty minute news program on the first regional Spanish language newscast in the Pacific Northwest. He co-anchors a weekly Sounders FC highlight show and is the play by play

  • Two Lutes Attend Peace Scholars Program at the Oslo International Summer School With seemingly unending conflict in the Middle East, and now horrible atrocities in the Ukraine with the downing of the Malaysian jet, it’s easy to throw up one’s hands and wonder if anything, really, anything is going to make a difference in this world. But… July 25, 2014 What's a Lute?

  • homesick because it’s different. Although, one thing I am grateful for is the Diversity Center, which I spend quite a bit of time in. They aim to have a safe space, where you can ask uncomfortable questions, which, for me, are a lot because I am very unfamiliar with the American culture. But, they’re wonderful, and they aim to have that intersectionality between people from different ages, race, religion, sexual orientation, social classes, and all those things, which I think is fantastic and helped in

  • Winner: Floating Bridge Chapbook Contest NEH Summer Fellowship Director, Fishtrap Arts Organization Reviewer for Rain Taxi Craft-Essays Editor, Brevity Contributing Editor, AWP Writer’s Chronicle Tacoma Poet Laureate New Millennium Nonfiction Award Fellowship, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts Bread Loaf Rona Jaffe Fellowship to the Bread Loaf Writers Conference Books and Chapbooks Within Reach, Cherry Grove Publishers, 2007—M.J. Iuppa A Final Arc of Sky, Beacon Press, 2010—Jennifer Culkin