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  • By:Kari Plog '11 January 31, 2017 0 Antarctica

  • my graphic design, writing, research, and editing skills,” Kimura says. “I originally planned for this piece to be about 60-80 pages long, but it expanded to 135 pages total and the sheer amount of illustrations and general considerations about the design of the book (color, page layout, typography) taught me a lot about my own style, as well as just how much thought needs to go into designing and producing a book.” Cris Haake has created ceramic pieces that represent corals and other marine life

  • ethical practices relating to biology. Utilitarianism is a controversial ethical view in environmental groups due to its association as an anthropocentric focus. I discuss a counterpoint presented by Peter Singer that utilitarianism can and should be extended to non-human animals, and then hypothesize as to what an ethical solution under this utilitarian view would be. An overarching question I engage with is what value non-humans should hold. I conclude that Indigenous People and salmon suffer

  • distinctive cultures emerge. 200-Level courses You’ll choose a total of four 200-level courses to taken during your 2nd and 3rd year. These classes are not organized around learning one way of seeing many problems (which is what you do when you take a class in a conventional academic department, like economics, political science, biology, etc.), but which instead use many ways to analyze one theme or problem. IHON 253: Gender, Sexuality, and CultureUses multicultural, international, and feminist

  • . Referencing Octavia’s Brood, an anthology by the writers and organizers Walidah Imarisha and adrienne maree brown, she concluded, “All change is science fiction.”Emmanuel GonzalezMajor: Biology, with a minor in Chemistry Hometown: El Centro, CA Selected accomplishments: Graduation Honors (cum laude); Plant Genome Research Program summer research internship, Boyce Thompson Institute, Cornell University; student worker, Quigg Greenhouse Post-graduation plans: Attending an interdisciplinary PhD program in

  • Justice This project is a sociologically centered project using qualitative data to study the ways in which gay men's distribution of emotion work and distress transmission act as markers for the gender differences in romantic relationships. 9:30 am | Session I, AUC Regency - Poster Session IFaculty Moderator: Ann Auman, Biology/College of Natural Sciences Faculty Mentor: Neal Yakelis, Chemistry Student(s)Presentation Camilee M. Boland; Audrey M. Borloz; Jordan R. VanniUtilizing an azo dienophile for

  • Scholarship Award, Rachid was a highly accomplished mathematician interested in the fields of delay differential equations, mathematical biology, dynamical systems, and bifurcation theory. Citing his textbook about differential equations (in French) and his vast number of published papers in well-respected journals, his colleagues in mathematics describe him as one of the most active scholars in the department. He earned a doctoral degree, diploma of in-depth studies, and a master’s degree in mathematics

  • that’s virtually nonexistent. After graduation, Hunt moved on to graduate school at Durham University in England, where she earned a master’s of science after blending her PLU degrees—and her life experience—into the emerging field of paleopathology: the study of disease, health, trauma and diet in human biology in ancient societies. “I want to look at evidence of cancer in archaeological remains and add to a dataset that’s virtually nonexistent,” Hunt said. “At that point I wouldn’t have even called

  • -13 to work with several students on a documentary about Islamophobia. “These students grapple with professional production standards, as well as human interactions with people who live their vocations every minute.” During the 2016-17 academic year, grant recipients are conducting research in Canada, Mexico, Belgium, France, England, Ireland, Italy, Japan and Rwanda, representing research in the disciplines of education, communication, religion, history, biology, economics, music, global studies

  • 2022 Environmental Studies CapstonesProfessors Rose McKenney (Geosciences and Environmental Studies) and Adela Ramos (English) had the honor of working with this year’s class of Environmental Studies students as they completed their interdisciplinary and culminating projects for their major. This capstone cohort tackled a wide range of current environmental issues and employed the methods and tools of multiple disciplines including biology, chemistry, cultural studies, dentistry, geosciences