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  • the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The grant is targeted at expanding curriculum, doubling nurse practitioner student numbers and sending those students into medically underserved areas around the state. “PLU is a leading center of higher education in the Pacific Northwest, and I commend its commitment to increasing the capacity of the mental health workforce and expanding access to these critical services in the region,” U.S. Sen. Patty Murray said in her letter of

  • A-weighted: An adjustment to sound level measurements that reflects the sensitivity of the human ear. Used for evaluating continuous or average noise levels. Audiogram: A chart, graph, or table resulting from an audiometric test showing an individual’s hearing threshold levels as a function of frequency. Audiologist: A professional, specializing in the study and rehabilitation of hearing, who is certified by the American Speech, Hearing, and Language Association, or the American Academy of

  • Bringing the Literary World to the Classroom“On December 1st our class had the lovely experience of Skyping with Daisy Hernández,” writes sophomore English/Writing and Classics major Hilary Vo, a student in my Fall 2015 Autobiographical Writing course. “Daisy brought light to her personal writing methods: her ‘emotional’ first drafts that she later revises as a ‘craft’ draft, where she thinks more about the reader. She reinforced the importance of reading your work out loud, something that I

  • Featured Stories – Resolute Online: Spring 2016 Search Features Features Welcome Amuse-bouche Tasting Menu À la Carte On Campus Discovery Discovery Attaway Lutes Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Homecoming 2016 Lute Recruit Alumni Profiles Class Notes Class Notes Family and Friends Submit a Class Note Calendar Calendar Calendar Highlights Featured Stories Welcome PLU President Thomas W. Krise, Ph.D., says cultivating hospitality is a key aspect of gathering around the

  • ACS Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Respect (DEIR) Scholarship The Puget Sound Section of the ACS has extended the deadline for their $2000 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect Scholarship. Applications are now due May 15th. Go here for all the details: Eligibility: Applicants must be currently enrolled in a college or university in… May 7, 2024 Opportunity

  • ACS Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Respect (DEIR) Scholarship The Puget Sound Section of the ACS has extended the deadline for their $2000 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect Scholarship. Applications are now due May 15th. Go here for all the details: Eligibility: Applicants must be currently enrolled in a college or university in… May 7, 2024 Opportunity

  • Communication students get first-hand experience running a campaign to help relieve medical debt PLU students in Professor Amy Young’s strategic communication class have spent the fall semester working with RIP Medical Debt, a nonprofit organization that competes with collections agencies to purchase unpaid medical debt for a fraction of the cost and helps folks run crowdfunding campaigns to… January 19, 2024 AcademicsCommunicationCommunityInvolvementProfessorsService

  • hormone [GH]. The treatments have been successful in many cases, adding to patients’ later height as adults. Until recently GH has been scarce, extracted from the pea-sized pituitary glands of cadavers. Now, however, Genentech, Inc. can manufacture it with recombinant DNA techniques, so there’s “plenty.” The treatments do cost $15,000 a year, of course, and usually they have to be administered for five years to make a difference, but GH is available.“We don’t know what to do,” the physician went on

  • Origins of the Modern World - H1 Course Title IHON 111 Origins, Ideas, and Encounters - H1 IHON 112 Liberty, Power, and Imagination - H1 200-Level Courses - H2 Course Title IHON 253 Gender, Sexuality and Culture - H2 IHON 257 The Human Experience - H2 IHON 258 Self, Culture, and Society - H2 IHON 259 The Natural World - H2 IHON 260 The Arts in Society - H2 300-Level Courses - H3 Course Title IHON 328 Social Justice: Personal Inquiry and Global Investigations - H3, GE

  • STEM Education Learning ObjectivesLearning ObjectivesPLU students who complete the minor will: develop STEM content knowledge practice and develop their own teaching style and philosophy engage in critical reflection by considering issues from multiple perspectives cultivate respect for diverse cultures and ways of knowing, which will allow them to teach all students effectively using culturally sustaining pedagogy begin to recognize how culture, tradition, and training shapes our assumptions