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  • learning who we are and our place in the world.” Hylander said the Diversity Center helps her apply what she learns inside the classroom, outside in the real world. The focus, she said, is on action. “There are so many opportunities at PLU to think about all of these different aspects of our lives and really think critically of how to better ourselves and our society,” Hylander said. “Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk,” she added. To see why other PLU Diversity Advocates care about social justice

  • transfer students with a 3.3 GPA or above. Candidates will be reviewed on goals, the quality of previous college-level work, an essay and an on-site interview with business faculty on March 23. Saugen himself was a serious student who had to work to support himself while at PLU, said School of Business Dean James Brock. He went on to be a successful corporate executive with Accenture. He currently sits on the School of Business executive advisory committee. Saugen has since retired and now lives in

  • original location was at the corner of 112th st and Golden Given Rd. The Collison’s owned and operated the business until 1990 when their son, Pat Collison, and his new wife, Julie, (they met at a Real Estate Convention) bought the company. After Pat died unexpectedly in 2005, Julie began the process of taking over as managing broker. Now, Julie Collison is the vibrant face that runs and manages this self-proclaimed “Parkland born-and-bred company.”Not only is Julie also Parkland born-and-bred (Okay

  • This Saint Marches On This Saint Marches On 1024 199 Tad Monroe '97 Tad Monroe '97 June 10, 2019 June 10, 2019 On January 17 of this year we lost a saint. At least that is how we refer to her in my little Presbyterian congregation in Tacoma. Saint Mary Oliver died in body but her spirit and poetry

  • :  Procedures outlining use, physical distancing and other COVID-19 protocols are posted on the Pantry door.  Please govern yourself accordingly. Donations & SupportThe PLU Pantry is primarily stocked through a partnership with Northwest Harvest.  We also accept donations at the Campus Ministry Office from community friends of canned meats, vegetables, fruits, and dry goods that are six months or more from expiration.  In addition, your monetary donation of any amount is most

  • You Ask, We Answer: Where do I find my PLU Student ID Number? Posted by: shortea / April 13, 2023 April 13, 2023 If you’re an admitted student and you cannot find your eight digit PLU Student ID Number to work through next steps (such as setting up your ePass to see your financial aid updates), here are two places to look: Log in to your PLU student applicant portal and click on ‘View Updates’. Locate your initial offer of admission (your admission letter). Your PLU ID Number was printed in

  • 253.535.7806 fyep@plu.educ Rona Kaufman, Ph.D., Director The First-Year Experience Program prepares students for successful participating in PLU’s distinctive academic and co-curricular culture by promoting critical thought, impassioned inquiry and effective expression in learning communities that are both supportive and challenging. All first-year students with fewer than 30 transfer credits are required to participate in this program. As part of the First Year

  • 2020 Ole Miss Chemistry Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Posted by: alemanem / December 10, 2019 December 10, 2019 Program: The Ole Miss Chemistry Department seeks applicants for an NSF-funded summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in 2020. Students who have completed their freshman year of college and who will not have graduated as of Fall 2020 can participate fully in “Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Summer Research Program” activities and work on a

  • ACS Bridge Travel Award Posted by: alemanem / January 8, 2020 January 8, 2020 The American Chemical Society is pleased to announce an underrepresented minority (URM) student travel award to defray travel and/or registration costs to either the National ACS Spring meeting or the annual meeting of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) in the fall. The goal of this travel award is to increase the number of URM students that

  • Ole Miss Now Accepting 2022 Summer REU Applications Posted by: alemanem / January 24, 2022 January 24, 2022 2022 Ole Miss Chemistry Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program: The Ole Miss Chemistry Department seeks applicants for an NSF-funded summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in 2022. Students who have completed their freshman year of college and who will not have graduated as of Fall 2022 can participate fully in “Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Summer