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  • Transition to Turnitin Feedback Studio By Layne Nordgren Turnitin provides originality- and plagiarism-checking for student papers and includes a set of online tools for faculty to provide in-context feedback for students. For PLU courses, Turnitin can be enabled as an option when creating a Sakai Assignment . On June 3,… May 10, 2017 Feedback StudioQuickMarksSimilarity ReportsTurnitin

  • Transition to Turnitin Feedback Studio By Layne Nordgren Turnitin provides originality- and plagiarism-checking for student papers and includes a set of online tools for faculty to provide in-context feedback for students. For PLU courses, Turnitin can be enabled as an option when creating a Sakai Assignment . On June 3,… May 10, 2017 Feedback StudioQuickMarksSimilarity ReportsTurnitin

  • TurningPoint Clicker Software Transition by Layne Nordgren What’s Changing? June 3 UPDATE:  PLU has now transitioned the Sakai integration to TurningPoint Cloud. Faculty or presenters using clickers should now be using TurningPoint Cloud v. 7.x. See Making the Transition to TurningPoint Cloud for details. May 9 UPDATE: PLU’s transition… March 29, 2016 audience response systemsclickerssoftwareTurning TechnologiesTurningPoint

  • Transition to Turnitin Feedback Studio By Layne Nordgren Turnitin provides originality- and plagiarism-checking for student papers and includes a set of online tools for faculty to provide in-context feedback for students. For PLU courses, Turnitin can be enabled as an option when creating a Sakai Assignment . On June 3,… May 10, 2017 Feedback StudioQuickMarksSimilarity ReportsTurnitin

  • Faculty Resources: A New Library Collection by Dana Bodewes, Instructional Designer To support the professional growth of PLU faculty, a new collection of “Faculty Resources” is now available on the first floor of the library. This small but mighty collection covers a range of topics related to teaching and learning in… January 20, 2016 course designfaculty developmentinstructional strategies

  • The 2018 Rachel Carson Science and Technology Lecture TUESDAY | MARCH 6, 2018 | 7:30PM | ANDERSON UNIVERSITY CENTER – CK @ PLU The Innovation Studies program at PLU would like to draw attention to an important event on campus with much value for our students and faculty: The 2018 Rachel Carson Science,… March 6, 2018 innovation studiesNatural SciencesPamela RonaldScience Technology Society

  • The 2018 Rachel Carson Science and Technology Lecture TUESDAY | MARCH 6, 2018 | 7:30PM | ANDERSON UNIVERSITY CENTER – CK @ PLU The Innovation Studies program at PLU would like to draw attention to an important event on campus with much value for our students and faculty: The 2018 Rachel Carson Science,… March 6, 2018 innovation studiesNatural SciencesPamela RonaldScience Technology Society

  • The 2018 Rachel Carson Science and Technology Lecture TUESDAY | MARCH 6, 2018 | 7:30PM | ANDERSON UNIVERSITY CENTER – CK @ PLU The Innovation Studies program at PLU would like to draw attention to an important event on campus with much value for our students and faculty: The 2018 Rachel Carson Science,… March 6, 2018 innovation studiesNatural SciencesPamela RonaldScience Technology Society

  • Congratulations to Stephanie Dent! Stephanie was one of six recipients across the nation to receive an American Association of Nurse Practitioners Scholarship for the 2018-2019 school year. She received her RN/MSN through the PLU School of Nursing in 2016 and is currently in the DNP-FNP program and will graduate… April 30, 2019 dnpscholarship

  • PLU nursing student earns national study away scholarship TACOMA, WASH. (Dec. 13, 2016)- Grace Zimmerman ’18 was already thrilled to pursue a study away experience in Namibia. But her excitement compounded after learning she received a competitive scholarship, one of more than 2,800 awarded by the federal government to students such as herself… January 4, 2017 study away