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  • ? Where do I get computer help? Where can I find updates about the Coronavirus? Upcoming Events loading events... All Events News loading news... All News ePass Apps Bookmarks ePass Apps Gmail Banner Care Form Sakai WordPress Calendar I&TS Help Desk I&TS Bookmarked Pages Bookmark your favorite pages for quick and easy navigation throughout the site. [Load from ePass] Button: Sign into ePass and load your saved favorites. This allows you to keep your favorites for any browser you are signed into ePass

  • Number Theory and Combinatorics, Dickinson College (October 2013) International Linear Algebra Society - 2013 Meeting, Flipping the Technology in Linear Algebra, Providence, Rhode Island (June 2013) Teaching Seminar, Picking up the SLAC: Life at a small liberal arts college, University of Notre Dame (April 2013) Selected Articles Bland, A., Cramer, Z., de Castro, P., Domini, D., Edgar, T., Johnson, D., Klee, S., Koblitz, J., Sundaresan, R. "Happiness Is Integral But Not Rational." Math Horizons Vol

  • later take in his Business 201 course, he liked what he heard. “The professor doesn’t believe in multiple choice,” he said. “That would make you think there was only one correct answer.” That didn’t mean the exams were easy. But it did speak to an idea that appeals to Mattich as a potential business or economics major: Being successful in business doesn’t mean a one-size-fits-all solution. It means comprehensively understanding an issue and applying that knowledge to specific situations. Business

  • March 24, 2011 Actor finds community, continuity fuels his work Danforth Comins ’97 is an Old Timer. He is, at least, compared to many other resident actors at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. In his ninth year at the country’s largest resident theater, he has spent a comparative lifetime at the Ashland, Ore., company. The ability to settle-in and become a part of the local community is one of the things he loves about his work with the company. “I’m unlike so many people in my profession – I

  • PLU Seniors Present Research at World’s Largest Math Conference Posted by: Sandy Dunham / February 23, 2015 Image: James Van Alstine ’15 and Hailey Olafson ’15 presented their math research at a prestigious national conference in Texas. February 23, 2015 By Taylor Lunka ’15 PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, Wash. (Feb. 23, 2015)—Over J-Term, Pacific Lutheran University seniors Hailey Olafson and James Van Alstine presented their mathematics research at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San

  • the levels in place before the Great Recession. A key concern for us is the split that cropped up a few years ago between the level of funding given to students attending the state’s public research universities (UW and WSU) and the 10 private universities in the state. In the last legislative session, the Legislature passed a resolution indicating a desire to restore parity between the research universities and the private colleges, but now, in the current session, we’ll need to see that

  • 01 – Resolute Online: Fall 2017 Search Features Features Welcome Shaping Health Care Protectors Turned Perpetrators Summer of Science Emotional Labor Economics Students Expand Possibilities A Different Kind of Whale Watching Rigorous Project Inspires First-Year’s Path On Campus Discovery Discovery Attaway Lutes Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Training Goals Dear Fellow Alumni… Homecoming and Family Weekend Bjug Day Christmas Concerts Holocaust Conference 2017 Alumni

  • 07 – Resolute Online: Fall 2017 Search Features Features Welcome Shaping Health Care Protectors Turned Perpetrators Summer of Science Emotional Labor Economics Students Expand Possibilities A Different Kind of Whale Watching Rigorous Project Inspires First-Year’s Path On Campus Discovery Discovery Attaway Lutes Research Grants Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Training Goals Dear Fellow Alumni… Homecoming and Family Weekend Bjug Day Christmas Concerts Holocaust Conference 2017 Alumni

  • International Student Health InsurancePacific Lutheran University (PLU) requires all international students to maintain medical insurance that provides coverage in the United States and meets certain minimum benefit requirements.  To ensure this, PLU will automatically enroll all international students registering for classes in PLU’s International Student Accident and Sickness Plan (Student Insurance Plan).  The insurance premium will automatically be added to your university bill at the time