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  • Step 1: Check if you need HPRB reviewGo to our online submission site, Mentor, and complete the diagnostic pre-survey. This will help you determine whether your project meets the federal definition of Human Subjects Research (HSR) and, if so, what kind of review is recommended: exempt, expedited, or full board review. Human Subjects Research (HSR) is…a systematic investigation—including research development, testing, and evaluation—involving a living individual about whom you obtain: data

  • Benjamin Rapani Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Department of Geology, University of Namibia Biography Biography Dr. Benjamin Mapani is a senior lecturer and researcher at the University of Namibia since 2002. He has previously worked at the University of Zambia and University of Zimbabwe respectively. His main research has been on groundwater and groundwater pollution cases near mine dumps and operating mines for the 12 years. He worked on the effect of cyanide in gold mine dumps in Zimbabwe

  • Michael Halvorson Associate Professor of History Biography Biography Dr. Michael Halvorson will be presenting Jewish-Christian Relation in Sixteenth Century Germany. This presentation examines the complex relationship between European Christians and European Jews in Sixteenth Century Germany. Particular attention will be paid to Martin Luther’s controversial statements on the Jews, and later episodes of polemic, persecution, and tolerance that came in their wake. In addition to teaching in the

  • One step at a time One step at a time 1024 427 Kari Plog '11 Kari Plog '11 May 19, 2016 June 10, 2019 “Mile 766 — a bad day turned to amazing campsite with a view and happy feet. I don’t want to climb tomorrow. It’s about the PCT and family.” Elise (Boldt) Woodsmith ’09 has a lot of days

  • Waste DiversionThe Waste Diversion department is a largely student operated department as a part of Environmental Services. If you see a student carrying a bag full of recycling, or trading out your office compost, that’s a Waste Diversion technician! The Waste Diversion department focuses on maintaining the university’s waste diversion practices, including recycling and compost, in an effort to improve the campus waste diversion rate.  Move-In 2024 Here is the comprehensive Move-In guide for

  • String Audition Repertoire The guidelines and excerpts below are the required materials for string auditions of the Pacific Lutheran University Symphony Orchestra. Violin: A solo excerpt (concerto, sonata, other solo work) of your choice. Please keep it to 2-3 minutes. All of the excerpts listed below from Tchaikovsky Symphony No.5 are required to be prepared for the audition day. The audition faculty will choose and ask for a few of them. Please note the full part for Violin is attached here

  • years of age on or before September 1 to be exempt for the academic year, or on or before February 1 to be exempt for the spring semester. Enrolled in and completed at least 4 full semesters at Pacific Lutheran University; includes full semester study away programs, excludes J-term and Summer. Living with a spouse or child [copy of marriage or birth certificate required]. A student enrolled at the University and living off-campus that does not meet the criteria listed above and without approval from

  • enables researchers to collect data with no identifying information attached, making the survey truly anonymous. PLU has a site license for Qualtrics survey software that includes use for faculty, staff, and students. Information about requesting a Qualtrics account can be found here. Qualtrics instructions for assuring anonymity can be found here. Informed consent For a no-risk or low-risk anonymous online survey, investigators may request a Waiver of Documentation of Informed Consent (part of the

  • Learn More: Zulu Hat 1The flared shape of these Zulu women’s hats (isicholo), dyed with red ochre, reflect the original design of the hairstyle on which they are based. Originally a mother would sew her daughter’s hair into this complex design for the initial stage in the series of ceremonies associated with her daughter’s marriage. The hats are a relatively new aspect of Zulu traditional dress that were developed in the late 19th or early 20th century and are based on the cone-shaped hairstyle

  • Learn More: Zulu Hat 2The flared shape of these Zulu women’s hats (isicholo), dyed with red ochre, reflect the original design of the hairstyle on which they are based. Originally a mother would sew her daughter’s hair into this complex design for the initial stage in the series of ceremonies associated with her daughter’s marriage. The hats are a relatively new aspect of Zulu traditional dress that were developed in the late 19th or early 20th century and are based on the cone-shaped hairstyle