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  • PLU Computer Patch Management and Windows Updates Information & Technology Services has transitioned to a new system for installing Windows updates on University owned computers.  The updates, which had been distributed using a program called Lumension (also known as Patchlink), will now be remotely pushed out through a Microsoft product that is tightly integrated into the Windows operating system.  When updates are available for your computer, they will be downloaded in the background while

  • General Education Archived PagesThe following pages contain archival general education material for reference. Questions regarding the material can be directed to General Education Council The General Education Council is responsible for finding ways through which to assess and describe how PLU students understand and apply (think about and embrace) the Integrative Learning Objectives as they are represented throughout the curriculum, particularly in the General Education

  • Google Apps For Education Google Mail – PLU offers email accounts for faculty, students and staff hosted by Google with unlimited storage space, tools to search and find messages quickly, as well as messaging and video chat built right into the browser. Google Meet – Unifies chats, audio calls, and video meetings across all of your devices. Whether you’re in Gmail, on a desktop, or on Android or iOS devices, you won’t miss a thing because your Hangouts are synchronized and helps you stay

  • STEM Education Learning ObjectivesLearning ObjectivesPLU students who complete the minor will: develop STEM content knowledge practice and develop their own teaching style and philosophy engage in critical reflection by considering issues from multiple perspectives cultivate respect for diverse cultures and ways of knowing, which will allow them to teach all students effectively using culturally sustaining pedagogy begin to recognize how culture, tradition, and training shapes our assumptions

  • By:Debbie Cafazzo January 7, 2019 0 Alternative Transportation Drives Lute’s Work https://www.plu.

  • — is at the heart of a well-rounded Lutheran higher education. That’s why Pacific Lutheran University offers study away programs to students through its Wang Center for Global Education. The center’s mission: “educating to achieve a just, healthy, sustainable and peaceful world, both locally and globally.” Global education dovetails with PLU’s mission — nurturing academic freedom, inspiring critical thinking, and encouraging students to help others and the world. Travel is eye-opening, Steves said

  • ORAU through its contract with the U.S. Department of Energy to manage the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, was established through an interagency agreement between DOE and FDA. The appointment period is full-time for up to 10 weeks beginning May 23, 2016. The participant will receive a monthly stipend commensurate with educational level and experience. Proof of health insurance is required for participation in this program. Participants do not become employees of FDA or the program

  • below: In the application form, you can also request a meeting time with me if you would like to discuss about research ideas and the lab, before sending a formal application. Feel free to reach out to me at if you have any questions. I strongly encourage applications from members of under-represented groups or members of groups typically under-represented and minoritized in STEM fields, Earth and Planetary Science, and higher education. The

  • Earth Science Capstones 2024 Thursday, May 9th All presentations will take place in the Rieke science Center, room 109. 3:45-4pm, “New Detrital Zircon Age Constraints for the Darrington Phyllite East of the Straight Creek-Fraser River Fault” Iris Hernandez The Northern Cascades Strait Creek fault system creates a divide between the Coast Plutonic Complex and western North Cascade units with a 90km offset from the west side. Small amounts of the Easton suite can also be found on the east side of

  • Earth Science Capstones 2023 Thursday, May 11th 1:45-2:00pm, Grayson Nottage Texas Water Mitigation 2:00-2:15pm, Caelan Colescott Examining the Impact of Gentrification on Urbanization and Ecological Indicators in Watersheds 2:15-2:30pm, Juj Navidi Assessing and Mapping Secondary Lahar Risk on Mt. Rainier 2:30-2:45pm, Francois Lalague Comparing Metamorphic Facies Across the Straight Creek Fault 2:45-3:00pm, Autumn Johansen Comparison of Phytholith and Carbonate (δ13C) data used as a proxies for