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  • Dossier and Review Promotion & Tenure (RPT)Dossier is an Interfolio module where you can store and manage your documents in one place.  (Think of this as your storage area and it is personal to you). Review Promotion and Tenure (RPT) is an Interfolio module where faculty will assemble their tenure and/or promotion packets.  RPT access is granted only to tenure and/or promotion candidates and only after the candidates have met with the Rank and Tenure Committee. If you are not able to access

  • Pacific Lutheran University believes in a community approach to keeping the campus community safe. Within that, PLU works to educate faculty, staff, and students about issues of sexual misconduct including definitions, reporting options, resources, and intervention information. All incoming students to PLU will receive training on sexual misconduct, healthy relationships, consent, and bystander intervention through an online module and orientation. Student groups including athletics will

  • University Grade Dispute Policy and Procedures - August 2023 (pdf) view download

  • Independent Study Registration (link) view page To be completed by the instructor on behalf of the student.

  • 253.535.8284 David Ward, Ph.D., Dean The College of Health Professions is a community of faculty, staff, and students who carry out PLU’s mission of inquiry, service, leadership and care through preparation for vocations in health professions. Descriptions of specific course offerings and degree requirements offered within the College of Health Professions are listed as follows: Undergraduate Kinesiology Nursing Social Work Graduate

  • Student Support and ContactsThere are many resources available for students taking online and blended courses at PLU. Questions about whether online learning is right for you? Need more information about the experience of taking blended courses? Not sure where start?   Send us an email!Contact Us Help Desk The PLU Help Desk provides support for university-owned technology and services, such as Sakai, PLU e-mail, network connections, and ePass.  Their website has helpful FAQs and

  • A Distinctive LinkMany universities have their share of interesting places to live and opportunities for involvement in campus activities from the arts to clubs and athletics, and PLU does too. But few universities offer the stunning beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities of the Pacific Northwest. What really makes PLU distinctive is the way that life in-class and life out-of-class are so closely linked. For example, Hong International Hall – a hub for campus activities focused on

  • Emergency Notification & InformationImpacted employees, students, and guests may be notified in one or more ways when an emergency incident is unfolding. The purpose of notifying the PLU community is to facilitate safe action/choices by individuals given the situation and the individual’s environmental circumstances.PLU Alert!PLU Alert! is the emergency alert system for Pacific Lutheran University. In the event of an emergency incident on or near campus, all PLU community members will receive

  • stay out of the face and eyes; if shoulder length or longer it must be tied back inconspicuously so it does not fall forward when providing care. Moustaches and beards must be neatly trimmed. Fingernails are to be short (no longer than ¼ inch beyond the fingertip) and clean. Acrylic and false fingernails are not permitted as they pose a potential source of injury and infection. Nail polish, if worn, shall not be chipped and should be a professional color. No nail jewelry as it has a potential for

  • Instructor Support and ContactsThere are many resources available for instructors interested in utilizing online learning technologies. Questions about whether online learning is right for you? Need more information about the experience of taking blended courses? Not sure where start?   Send us an email!Contact Us Help Desk The PLU Help Desk provides support for university-owned technology and services, such as Sakai, PLU e-mail, network connections, and ePass.  Their website has