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  • , but the thought of the audience viewing the performance live. “Knowing that we were being viewed by 12 million people was very weird,” he said. “It’s a really small place. I think I was more excited than nervous.” “It was pretty amazing,” said Daniel Gilbertson, a junior biology major. “It’s exactly what you’d expect it to be. Performing in front of that many people is exactly what we’re looking for as a group.” The group was busy with publicity interviews, AGT video shoots and rehearsals for two

  • a film,” she laughed. “I plan to rock the crap out of it.” This career has also taught her to deal with rejection. Sure it hurts, she said. But it’s also taught her to do her best and bide her time for the right role.  She deals with the stress and “craziness of the business” through running, kickboxing and playing video games. “It’s not you,” she said. “If they want a tall blonde, well, obviously that’s not going to be me.” As for advice for PLU students? Try out everything that interests you

  • . It gets into your blood,” Wells mused, now going on 10 years at PLU. In that time, Wells has fed his passion by shaping future journalists, creating the award-winning MediaLab, and contributing to efforts to create a media studies center at PLU. The MediaLab idea was born in 2004. The best and brightest media students in journalism, video, photography, public relations, and other disciplines have since scored over a dozen awards as well as one Emmy. MediaLab students have traveled into areas

  • . When she’s not writing, she teaches middle-school students how to read and write and, most importantly, she says, “how to be kind to each other, even on days when they really don’t feel like it.” She is also currently working on her next novel. Read Previous VIDEO: Happy Holidays, Lutes! Read Next PLU’s Melannie Denise Cunningham is Keynote Speaker at Tacoma’s MLK Day Celebration COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are

  • your chargers, TV’s, gaming systems and DVD players plugged in when not in use wastes tons of energy? Res Life knows, so we have equipped each room with an energy-saving Smart Strip. What can you do? Don’t be an energy vampire! Shut lights off when you leave a room, and use natural light whenever possible. Learn how to use the Smart Strips. They don’t work if you don’t use them! Confused? Here is a quick video with some easy directions. Did you know that every 3 seconds a baby is born? In that same

  • , pitcher for the women’s softball team. “That’s what PLU is about.” (Video by Rustin Dwyer, PLU) Every team is involved with some type of community service. “But it looks different depending on the team,” said Miller, a business major from Edgewood, Washington. Each varsity team and student athlete at PLU has been encouraged to participate in community service since the university became a NCAA Division III competitor in 1997, but many teams began traditions of service decades earlier. Frosty Westering

  • six PLU faculty, staff and/or students and plan to view AND discuss one of Noujaim’s films listed below. Groups will receive a small basket of film-viewing goodies and an invitation to a special lunch and Q&A with the filmmaker on Feb. 19. Eligible films:  The Square (2013) will be screened in Karen Hille Phillips on Feb. 19 and is also available on reserve at Mortvedt Library and through Netflix. Solar Mamas (2012) is only available as an Instant Video from for $3.27. The Wang Center

  • On March 7-8, 2024, the 11th Wang Center Symposium will bring together academics, activists, and practitioners whose life’s work addresses what the U.S. Surgeon General has referred to as a critical health concern and a key determinant to community well-being. Learn More Congratulations to the 2024 Photo and Video Contest Winners! Check out the winners from this year and previous years! More Global Education Topics Volleyball's Jessica Herklotz Studies Away in Oaxaca over J-Term (March 21, 2023

  • PLU,” said Marissa Miller ’18, pitcher for the women’s softball team. “That’s what PLU is about.” (Video by Rustin Dwyer, PLU) Every team is involved with some type of community service. “But it looks different depending on the team,” said Miller, a business major from Edgewood, Washington. Each varsity team and student athlete at PLU has been encouraged to participate in community service since the university became a NCAA Division III competitor in 1997, but many teams began traditions of

  • lot of discussion around the role of Black women’s hair in society and culture. How can we be curious about people’s qualities and differences without impeding on the personal space and the humanity of others? 4) What are some examples of ways that you can decolonize… Your language? An institution or system (e.g., a class or a policy)? 5) We were challenged in the video to decolonize how we introduce ourselves. What are some different forms of introduction, besides name and title? 6) How can the